John Jay Professor Kimora
Winter Session Heats Up Again

The recently completed three-week winter session at John Jay once again raised the bar of success, with 1,788 students opting to take one or more courses from a diverse palette of on-campus and online offerings.

The winter enrollment represented a 5.5-percent increase from the 2016 session, noted Douglas Boettner, Director of the Office of Special Academic Sessions, who credited the third consecutive year of winter-session growth to expanded marketing and outreach efforts and an increase in online courses.

Boettner went on to say that the number of online course sections offered rose by 7 percent, from 81 to 87, and the number of students taking online courses rose by 13 percent.

Winter session classes, whether on-campus or online, cover the same subject matter in three weeks that regular-semester classes do in 15. To do this, classes are held in double periods four days a week.

“I’m excited to see that students have embraced the expanded online offerings made available to them this winter, and recognize that they are as challenging, exciting and interactive as our in-person courses,” said Boettner.

Anthropology 330, American Culture Pluralism and the Law, was one of two online courses taught by Professor Kimora, and it proved to be one of the most online winter offerings. One of the students in the course, senior Terasa Ingleterra from Staten Island, pointed out that online classes are especially beneficial for students facing long commutes to get to an on-campus class.

“I have been taking online classes since my freshman year,” she said. “Needless to say, online classes are great! Online classes are convenient and flexible toward your everyday routine and to balance around your work schedule.”

The winter session offered mostly classes at the 100 and 200 level, with a scattering of upper-level and graduate courses. Anthropology 330 was one of several highlighted courses, along with sections on criminology, juvenile delinquency, drug and alcohol use, urban anthropology, accounting, economics, social science mathematics, statistics, art, music, and literature.

Boettner noted that Enrollment Management and Academic Affairs will be collaborating to further increase the number of online offerings in the future, to attract even more non-John Jay students for the winter and summer sessions.