Faculty Resources
Our Mission
We offer guidance and resources to faculty members about non-academic student issues, such as student well-being, classroom conduct, disruptive behavior, or interpersonal conflict. We in effect assist faculty members in setting appropriate boundaries in the classroom. Student conduct that substantially interferes with the ability of an instructor to teach is a violation of College policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have concerns about a student's behavior or well-being, you can email us at DeanOfStudents@jjay.cuny.edu. Please include your name, the student's name, the course name and code, and as much information about your concerns as possible. You may include photos or other documentation. We will then contact the student.
After a student is referred to our office, we contact the student directly to begin mediation and follow up with the faculty member to let them know that action has been taken. For FERPA and HIPAA reasons, we are not always able to give faculty members details about the mediation, but we are happy to answer any questions the faculty member may have about the process. We are able to mediate most student cases to everyone's satisfaction. In the rare event that a student's case goes to the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee, your participation in the judicial process will be required.
Academic and behavioral expectations for students, along with consequences for noncompliance, are outlined in the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order Pursuant to Article 129A of the Education Law (Henderson Rules). If you would like to contact us for clarification on the Henderson Rules, email us at deanofstudents@jjay.cuny.edu.
The Office of Student Relations offers tips for addressing rude and disruptive classroom behavior in this document: What’s a Professor To Do? (PDF)pdf. You can find more resources for classroom management at the Teaching & Learning Center.
We encourage faculty members to address the behavior with the student first, before referring the student to us for disciplinary action. Classroom management is meant to be an educational, interactive experience that encourages communication between students and faculty about appropriate behavior in an academic setting. Many students are simply not aware that their behavior is disruptive, and communicating your concerns and expectations for classroom conduct in a firm and clear manner can be more helpful to their development than a trip to our office.
You should contact Public Safety immediately if you feel a student is exhibiting potentially violent or unlawful behavior. This includes a student’s refusal to leave a classroom after being asked to do so. The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) provides additional tools for threat assessments and early intervention of reported students.
Contact us
P: (212) 237-8211
F: (212) 237-8282
Room L65.00NB
524 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Office hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday