Genesis Correa
Senior Spotlight: SEEK Student Genesis Correa ’21 Makes Her Late Father’s Dreams Come True by Earning Her Degree

Genesis Correa ’21, a first-generation college student and SEEK student, sees graduating from John Jay not only as an important milestone in her life, but also as a way of paying homage to her beloved dad, who passed away during her sophomore year at the College. “I’m dedicating my degree to my father. He brought me to this country from the Dominican Republic when I was six years old because he had big dreams for me. He pushed me to go to college and encouraged me to apply to John Jay. I know that he’s watching from above, feeling extremely proud and screaming with excitement ‘that’s my girl,’” says Correa, who’s earning her bachelor’s degree in English. “I want to make him proud. It’s because of him that I’m motivated to push through any challenges and achieve great things in my life.”

While the road to this moment hasn’t been easy, Correa was determined to see her father’s dreams for her come true, and she credits the staff at SEEK with helping her along the way. “The SEEK department at John Jay became my home away from home,” she says. “When I was mentally struggling or feeling down, they were there to lift me up, support me, and keep me going. They’ve always had my back. Without the wonderful people at SEEK, I don’t know where I’d be.” We sat down with Correa to learn more about her John Jay journey and her hopes for the future.

“The SEEK department at John Jay became my home away from home. When I was mentally struggling or feeling down, they were there to lift me up, support me, and keep me going.” —Genesis Correa

What made you want to come to John Jay?
I initially wanted to go into law enforcement, and I knew John Jay was where you needed to go for the best criminal justice education. When I got to the College, I took a variety of courses and realized that I wasn’t a good fit for a career in law enforcement. Where I felt the most passionate was in my English courses. In those classes, I discovered authors who shared similar experiences and roots with me. John Jay opened my eyes to different opportunities and fields. It was instrumental in my discovery of  what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m passionate about pursuing a career that involves the English language, literature, and writing.

“John Jay opened my eyes to different opportunities and fields. It was instrumental in my discovery of  what I want to do for the rest of my life.” —Genesis Correa

When you first came to John Jay, what were some of your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them?
My first semester at John Jay was really difficult because my dad and I were struggling financially—it was just us two—which meant I needed to work while going to school. Once I landed a job, all my focus went to work, and sadly I neglected my classes. I remember barely passing that first semester with a 2.1 GPA. I was so disappointed in myself and was scared I’d be kicked out. After that experience, I made it my goal to never have a grade that was lower than a B. I worked hard, gained better time management skills, and created a good work/school/life balance. Since then, I’ve had no grade lower than a B, I’ve been on the Dean’s List a number of times, and I’m graduating with a 3.5 GPA. As scary as that first semester was, I’m grateful I went through that situation because it taught me to appreciate my education.

If you had to point to one organization, cohort, or person at John Jay that made your experience especially fulfilling, supportive and productive, what would that be and why?
SEEK has been there for me since I first stepped foot at John Jay. Anytime I’ve needed help—whether it was in the wake of my father’s passing, a financial crisis, advising, or help with classes—the SEEK staff has supported me. I’m incredibly grateful for my SEEK counselor, Virginia Diaz-Mendoza, who lifted my spirits every day, helping me when I was struggling, motivating me to keep going, and celebrating all my achievements.

Do you have a favorite moment interacting with the SEEK Program?
My favorite memory was spending my free time at SEEK’s Humanities and Social Science Academic Support Lab. It’s the place where I felt most welcomed. I could go there to relax my mind, work on my writing, and have conversations with my peers and the SEEK staff. I loved booking appointments with Virginia. We’d talk for hours. It felt great to know someone was there to be a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Being part of the SEEK program is what made my John Jay journey a success.

“Being part of the SEEK program is what made my John Jay journey a success.” —Genesis Correa

Living through the pandemic has been a challenge for everyone—especially students juggling jobs, family responsibilities, classes and the mental stress of living through the global health crisis. Can you describe what your experience has been like?
I was furloughed from one of my jobs when the pandemic began, which meant I was bringing home less income. My other job was working at a hospital in the Bronx. I’d see the National Guard troops helping and the doctors and staff in full PPE [personal protective equipment] gear. It was a heartbreaking and depressing time because so many patients were dying, and they were dying alone. On top of that, I was scared of getting the virus and ending up in the ICU. The minute I got home I would immediately remove my work clothes and disinfect and wash everything. Thankfully, I never tested positive.

“My other job was working at a hospital in the Bronx. I was scared of getting the virus and ending up in the ICU.” —Genesis Correa

Academically, I’m grateful we transitioned to distance learning when the pandemic began because I could attend all my classes via Zoom. My professors were all really understanding of my work situation and we communicated frequently. I ended up doing really well in all my classes and finished my John Jay journey strong.

What do you hope to do after you graduate from John Jay?
I feel it’s time to leave New York for a bit and see what’s out there in the world. I’ve been through a lot over the last four years, so I want to take a little break before applying to graduate schools. My goal is to get into a combined English M.A./Ph.D. program that is out of state. I have my heart set on going to Yale University for grad school and I’m going to apply even if people think it’s out of reach. I’ll go for it because we only live once, and like my dad always said to me, “We have to dream big.”

“Because of John Jay, I was able not just to survive but thrive.” —Genesis Correa

Finish this sentence: Because of John Jay…
Because of John Jay, I was able not just to survive but thrive. John Jay and SEEK helped me find my way through the good times and bad. At John Jay, I found joy and inspiration in my interactions at SEEK and in the classroom with my amazing classmates and awesome professors. Because of John Jay I found an area of study that I love and truly want to pursue as a career. My hope is that every John Jay student, no matter what they’re going through in life, experiences a successful, supportive journey at the College like I did.