Charles Custance
Salute to Service: Sgt. Charles Custance ’23, U.S. Marine, Preps for Post-Military Career

In honor of Veterans Day and National Veterans and Military Families Month, we’re excited to highlight the achievements of our military and veteran community in our “Salute to Service” article series.

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Charles Custance ’23, a security management major, was six years old when the attack on the World Trade Center happened. “The memory of watching that on the TV was something I could never forget,” says Custance. “My father was the foreman in charge of maintaining power and lighting in support of the cleanup at ground zero. He took me down there one day and I got to see the damage firsthand.” Over time, the memory stuck with Custance and led him to join the Marines.

“Veterans have shown they are willing to put their lives on the line to protect this nation and every person in it.” —Charles Custance ’23

What type of work have you done in the military?
I’ve had several jobs, including nuclear weapons security guard, infantry team leader, and scout sniper team leader. As a nuclear weapons security guard, I was required to work long hours and constantly remain alert. As an infantry team leader, I had to learn about the tactical recovery of aircraft personnel. As a scout sniper team leader, I had to study a brand-new tradecraft and push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of. Eventually, I earned my spot in an elite platoon of the best infantrymen and was deployed to the Middle East for the second time. All these jobs required me to maintain a level of humility and an understanding that no matter how much I think I know, there is always something to learn.

How has John Jay’s Military and Veteran Services Center and the military community at John Jay impacted you?
Captain Pusateri and the rest of the staff at the Military and Veterans Services Center provide an environment that promotes success. The staff is always willing to help regardless of what the issue is. They bring in recruiters to help veterans find new careers for when they graduate. Its a special place for our military community to come together, find support, and prepare for the future.

“Because of John Jay, I’ve been able to become far more educated in security management and create a strong network of people that will help me secure a fulfilling career after graduation.” —Charles Custance ’23

How do you feel about Veterans Day/National Veterans and Military Families Month?
It’s an annual reminder and demonstration of appreciation to those who have served this nation. The month also highlights an often-overlooked part of the military, the families of servicemembers who have sacrificed time spent with their loved ones. The thing that makes me the proudest about being a veteran is knowing that I’m part of a supportive and caring community.

What do you hope to be doing in the next five years?
My goal is to be employed by a federal law enforcement agency. Because of John Jay, I’ve been able to become far more educated in security management and create a strong network of people that will help me secure a fulfilling career after graduation.