
To the John Jay Community:

As you are aware, President Trump issued an executive order on Friday, January 27, that suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days and barred entry for 90 days for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, including holders of student visas.   The extent of the executive order was unclear in its immediate application and its potential impact, and the legal situation remains fluid. We are closely monitoring developments as they unfold.  I write to reassure you that as of this morning, no John Jay faculty, staff, or students have been affected directly by the order.   Yet we continue to be concerned for the well-being of members of our community who are nationals from these countries, even those with green cards or dual citizenship. 

At times like this, it is important to affirm the values that we share as an academic community.  We are part of a city, a university, and a campus strengthened by our deep commitment to our diversity.  We are proud of the many immigrants among our students and alumni.  Many endure great hardship for the opportunity to develop their talents and better their lives in the United States, and they contribute invaluably to the richness of the educational experience for all students at the College.  We value the contributions of our international students and faculty to the advancement of knowledge and the exchange of ideas.   The research of our faculty is deepened by collaboration with scholars from other countries and by the free flow of information across national borders in a spirit of collective problem-solving.  In short, we are dedicated to a vision of John Jay as a global institution, one that is enriched by its many international connections, colleagues, and community members.  

To learn about Resources for Undocumented Students at John Jay Collegeclick here.


For those among us who may be impacted by the executive order, and for their family members and friends who seek their guidance, I offer the following list of resources, put together recently by the University and the College.

  • The CUNY website: offers a wealth of information for CUNY students, faculty, and staff with questions and concerns about the recent changes in federal policies around immigration.
  • For those detained trying to enter the United States, or still abroad and needing guidance, please contact CUNY Citizenship Now! attorney Isabel Bucaram, Esq. by text, phone call, or WhatsApp at 646-860-5678.  Affected students, faculty and staff abroad can also write directly to  CN! will follow up with a phone call if necessary.
  • For affected students, faculty, and staff here in the US, regardless of immigrant status, the best advice remains not to travel abroad if at all possible until we have more clarity about ongoing developments. You can contact CN! at with questions as they arise. 
  • For those seeking answers to travel-related questions, the CUNY CLEAR (Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility) project aims to address the unmet legal needs of Muslim, Arab, African, Asian and other communities in New York City.  General tips are featured for those who may be affected by national security and counterterrorism policies:
  • For John Jay students who are undocumented or have immigration questions, the College has compiled useful resources at

We will stay abreast of developments and will update you with new information and resources as we learn of them. 

In the meantime, we will gain strength from our collective mission--educating for justice—and take comfort in the knowledge that we are together in caring for every member of our community, especially in time of need.