John Jay Student is Focus of Film on Immigrant Experience

Angy Rivera’s Fierce Advocacy for Undocumented Youth Featured on PBS

Angy Rivera, a senior at John Jay College, is the subject of a documentary titled “Don’t Tell Anyone (No Le Digas a Nadie)” that premiered on PBS on September 21. The film, directed by Mikaela Shwer, follows Rivera’s journey as an undocumented immigrant who has lived in the United States since the age of three and highlights her struggles as a college student and activist for undocumented youth.  Rivera was recently featured in a New York Daily News article about the documentary.

Rivera has worked as a fellow and member of the New York State Youth Leadership Council (NYSYLC), speaking out against injustices committed against undocumented people. She and the Council created the advice column, Ask Angy, and have organized Coming Out of the Shadows rallies where individuals tell public stories about their immigration status before press, cameras, and hundreds of people. Although, no longer undocumented, Rivera continues to advocate for immigrant rights as well as the passage of the New York Dream Act which would allow undocumented immigrant students to apply for state financial aid for college.

Rivera, who is completing her bachelor’s degree in Culture and Deviance Studies, is also currently working at the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health.

Learn more about “Don’t Tell Anyone (No Le Digas a Nadie)” including broadcast times on PBS and online screening at