The Employees Wellness Resources section provides an abundance of resources and programs offered as a CUNY employee.  Please enjoy all that CUNY has to offer, for FREE!

WorkWell NYC Physical Fitness

Be Well Programs

Eat Well Programs

Mental Health Resources

It has been almost a year and a half since CUNY faculty and staff received the sudden mandate to work remotely.  Since then, we have learned new ways of adjusting, prioritizing, compromising, and stressing, yielding an overwhelming strain on our mental wellness.  Working remotely has brought challenges in areas of productivity, engagement, communication, physical capability and other daily functions.  Here are a few tips that can help you manage some of these challenges:

  • Be sure to prioritize your time in taking care of yourself – emotionally, mentally, and physically. However difficult, it is imperative to have a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, engage in regular physical activity, and getting enough sleep.
  • Create “to-do” lists to help you stay organized.  This helps reduce the risk of forgetting to get things done.
  • Digital Mental Health Resources Flyer
  • Mental Health tips  and other public resources.
  • NYC Well is available to all New Yorkers to listen and help with problems like stress, depression, anxiety, or drug and alcohol use for you or someone you care for. NYC Well is your connection to free, confidential mental health support. Speak to a counselor in more than 200 languages anytime via phone, text, or chat. Text ‘WELL’ to 65173, or call 1-888-NYC-WELL
  • Twitter: You can also follow CUNY Mental Health and Wellness for additional mental health awareness. CUNY Mental Health and Wellness (@cunymhw) / Twitter

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free service for you and your family, to help you manage issues affecting your personal and work life.  CCA@YourService provides access to a range of support and convenience services: Emotional Well-Being, Health & Wellness, Legal Resources & Consultation, Daily Living & Convenience, and Financial Resources & Consultation. They also have a comprehensive website that offers anytime access to articles and information, and connects you exclusive resources and tools.

Toll-Free: 1-800-833-8707
Company Code: CUNY

NYC Well

NYC Well is your connection to free, confidential crisis counseling, mental health and substance use support, information and referrals. You can reach the toll-free help line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, text and online chat. Behavioral health professionals there can link you to the services you need.

To contact NYC Well, call:

·         1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355)

·         1-888-692-9355 (Español)

·         1-888-692-9355 (繁體中文)

·         711 (TTY for hearing impaired)

You can also reach NYC Well by texting “WELL” to 651-73, or  Online Chat.

NYC Well counselors are available 24/7. They can provide bilingual help in Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese. Additionally, NYC Well offers translation services in more than 200 languages.

Health insurance is not required. Depending on your phone/text service, you may be charged a fee.

Additional Resources

If you have any related questions, please contact us at