Ignacio Sanchez
Electronic Resources Librarian
Phone number

M.L.I.S, University of Pittsburgh (2014, Information Technology, Digital and Academic Libraries, and Business Reference)

B.S. Penn State University (2006, Human Development & Family Studies; Educational Policy Studies)


Ignacio Sanchez is the Electronic Resources Librarian at the Lloyd Sealy Library.  As the Electronic Resources Librarian at John Jay College, his primary responsibility is to enhance our academic offerings by analyzing data and managing digital resources. He aims to empower students and faculty with easy access to electronic resources by visiting classes and providing instruction on how to best use library resources for their teaching, research, and learning.

Ignacio has worked at Columbia University, Purdue University, Pennsylvania State University, and National Economic Research Associates (NERA), where he provided instructional and reference support in many aspects of Business Reference and other subject areas. Additionally, while at Columbia University, Ignacio developed specialized workshops in the areas of Business, the Bloomberg Terminal, marketing, consumer data, Entrepreneurship, and economics research.

Professional Memberships
  • Library Association of CUNY (LACUNY)
  • REFORMA: The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos & the Spanish-Speaking
  • American Library Association (ALA)