During workshops, students will be given a brief overview of the topics covered (or soon to be covered) during lecture and be given problems to solve with the assistance of the instructor and/or peer tutor.

The workshops are NOT to replace the regular lecture; they are to assist students in retaining the concepts and preparing for examinations. Workshops will take place during Community Time (2pm to 3pm) on the dates and classroom/platform provided in the schedule. The workshops will be conducted using a variety of instructional methods including lecture, online discussion, and small group work, via Zoom, when applicable.

MAT 105, MAT 108, & STA 250 Workshops

You may view the full schedule by clicking here

MAT 105, Monday - Thursday, 2pm - 3pm, In Person 1.94NB

View the full schedule by clicking here

MAT 105 Workshop Schedule
Day Date Topic Time
Mon - Thur Sep 9-12 R.1, R.2, R.3 Prerequisite Review 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Sep 16-19 1.1 Linear Equation, Rational Equations, Complex Numbers 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Sep 23-26 1.4: Quadratic Equations, Polynomial and Rational Equations, 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Sep 30 - Oct 1 1.7: Linear, Compound, and Absolute Value Inequalities 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 7-10 General Q&A, Practice Exam 1 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 14-17 2.1: The Rectangular Coordinate System, 2.2: Circles, 2.3: Functions and Relations 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 21-24 2.4: Linear Equations in two variables and Linear Equations, 2.5: Applications of Linear Equations and Modeling, 2.7: Analyzing graphs of functions and piecewise-defined functions 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 28-31 2.8: Algebra of Functions and Function Composition, General Q&A/Practice Exam 2 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 4-7 General Q&A/Practice Exam 2, 2.6: Transformation of Graphs 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 11-14 3.1: Quadratic Functions and Application, 3.2: Introduction to Polynomial Functions 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 18-21 3.3: Division of Polynomials and the Remainder and Factor Theorems, 3.4: Zeros of Polynomials 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Tue Nov 25-26 3.5: Rational Functions 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Dec 2-5 General Q&A/PracticeExam 3 2pm - 3pm
Mon - Thur Dec 9-12 4.1: Inverse Functions, General Q&A/Practice Final Exam 2pm - 3pm

MAT 108, Monday - Thursday, 2pm - 3pm, In Person 1.94NB

View the full schedule by clicking here

MAT 108 Workshop Schedule
Day Date Topic Time
Mon - Thur Sep 9-12 6.1 Linear Equations; 6.2 Ratios, and Proportion, 6.3: Rectangular Coordinate System & Linear Equations in Two Variables 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Sep 16-19 2.1: Set Theory, 2.2: Subsets and Set Operations 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Sep 23-26 2.3 Venn Diagrams to Study Set Operations; 2.4 Using Sets to Solve Problems 2pm-3pm
Mon - Tue Sep 30 - Oct 1 General Q&A/Practice Eam 1 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 7-10 General Q&A/Practice Exam 1, 7.1 Percents; 10.1 Basic Concepts of Probability 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 14-17 10.2 Fundamental Counting Principle, Permutations; 10.3 Combinations 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 21-24 10.4 Tree Diagrams, Tables, Sample Spaces, 10.5: Probability Using Permutations and Combinations, 10.6: Odds and Expectations 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Oct 28-31 10.7: The Addition Rules for Probability, 10.8: Multiplication Rules and Conditional Probability 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 4-7 General Q&A/Practice Exam 2 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 11-14 11.1 Gathering & Organizing Data; 11.2 Picturing Data, 11.3: Measures of Average 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Nov 18-21 11.4 Measures of Variation; 11.5 Measures of Position 2pm-3pm
Mon - Tue Nov 25-26 11.6 Normal Distribution 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Dec 2-5 11.7: Applications of Normal Distribution, General Q&A/Practice Exam 3 2pm-3pm
Mon - Thur Dec 9-12 General Q&A/Practice Exam 3, General Q&A/Practice Final Exam review 2pm-3pm

STA 250, Monday's, 2pm - 3pm, In Person 1.94NB 

 View the full schedule by clicking here

STA 250 Workshop Schedule
Day Date Topic Time
Monday Sep 9 1.1 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics; 1.2 Variables and Types of Data; 1.3 Data Collection and Sampling Techniques; 1.4 Experimental Design; 1.5 Computers and Calculators 2pm-3pm
Monday Sep 16 2.1 Organizing Data; 2.2 Histograms, Frequency Polygons, Ogives; 2.3 Other Types of Graphs 2pm-3pm
Monday Sep 23 3.1 Measures of Central Tendency; 3.2 Measures of variation, 3.3: Measures of Position, 3.4: Exploratory Data Analysis 2pm-3pm
Monday Sep 30 4.1 Sample Spaces and Probability; 4.2 Addition Rules for Probability 2pm-3pm
Monday Oct 7 4.3: Multiplication Rules and Conditional Probability, 5.1: Probability Distributions 2pm-3pm
Monday Oct 14 6.1 Normal Distributions; 6.2 Applications of Normal Distribution; 6.3 The Central Limit Theorem 2pm-3pm
Monday Oct 21 7.1 Confidence Intervals for the Mean When Sigma is Known; 7.2 Confidence Intervals for the Mean When Sigma is Unknown 2pm-3pm
Monday Oct 28 8.1 Steps in Hypothesis Testing (Traditional and P-Value Methods); 8.2 Z-Test for a Mean; 8.3 T-Test for a Mean 2pm-3pm
Monday Nov 4 8.1 Steps in Hypothesis Testing (Traiditional and P-Value Methods), 8.2 Z-Test for a Mean, 8.3: T-Test for a Mean 2pm-3pm
Monday Nov 11 9.1: Difference Between Two Means Using the Z-Test 2pm-3pm
Monday Nov 18 9.2 Difference Between Two Means: independent Samples (SPSS); 9.3 Difference Between Two Means: Dependent Samples (SPSS) 2pm-3pm
Monday Nov 25 10.1: Scatter Plots and Correlation, 10.2: Regression, 10.3: Coefficient of Determination 2pm-3pm
Monday Dec 2 11.1 Test for Goodness of Fit; 11.2 Tests using Contigency Tables 2pm-3pm
Monday Dec 9 11.1: Test for Goodness of Fit, 11.2: Tests Using Contingency Tables 2pm-3pm

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