Faculty Handbook: Administrative Information

Administrative Information

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All faculty will need a John Jay ID Card to enter all campus buildings and the Lloyd Sealy Library. ID Cards are issued Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Department of Public Safety, Room L2.61 NB. To receive an ID card, individuals must be verified by the Department of Human Resources.

Faculty members will each have a dedicated mailbox in their Departments. Individuals are encouraged to regularly check mailboxes for incoming mail to ensure that it does not accumulate dated mail. To receive mail at the college, the mailing address is: Name, Department, John Jay College, 524 W. 59th Street, New York, NY 10019.

Full-time faculty members are typically provided with dedicated office space that includes a computer (see CUNY Computer Use Policy), located in their Departments and, in some cases, additional lab space. Typically, office computers are networked to Departmental printers/copiers. To obtain office keys, check with the Department Administrator, as it may be necessary to submit a Public Safety Key Request online. (The key request form, which requires Chair approval, is also found at: Inside John Jay (top of website home page) Resource Center OFFICE & BOOK SUPPLIES (beneath this heading). Access requires login with JJ username and email password.  In addition, office doors automatically lock when closed, but a little knob on the inside of the door can be slid such that the door will remain unlocked when closed (e.g., if a faculty member walking to copier does not want to bring keys). Should a faculty member become locked out of their office, the department administrator might have a key to allow entry. Otherwise, the faculty member can phone Public Safety to request a key run and an officer will be dispatched to unlock the office door as soon as possible (x8524 or 212-237-8524).


For part-time faculty, shared office spaces are located throughout the campus, including in or near most departments, as well as secure lockers. To obtain a key to the shared adjunct spaces within a department, or inquire about a locker, first check with your department administrator. You may need to submit a Public Safety Key Request online. In addition, there are three shared office rooms in Haaren Hall, rooms 221, 225 and 235 HH, equipped with individual carrels for working or meeting with students as well as a printer, and one shared office in 111 Westport. For access to departmental copiers or the copy center, individuals should contact the hiring department’s administrator.

Each full-time faculty member is assigned a unique college phone number and voicemail. The voicemail system delivers all messages to that faculty member’s college email account; therefore, to check phone messages, faculty may listen to them on the phone or via John Jay email. If the phone shows a different individual’s name (e.g., a retired faculty member is named on the phone), faculty can email helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu to request an update to the phone and voicemail (include the phone number, name and email address) to ensure voicemails are forwarded to the correct individual. Phones on campus can be reached by dialing the last four digits of the extension; outside calls require dialing 9 first.

Every faculty member is assigned a John Jay email address. All faculty are expected to check their official college email on a regular basis and to use their college account for college business. Most, if not all, of the critical information sent from the Department and the college is transmitted to employees via the John Jay email system. Personal email addresses can be used as a backup system for communications, but do not take the place of using the John Jay email system as the primary means of communicating with Departments, students, or the college. Email accounts are typically created by the Office of Human Resources or are requested by a Department Administrator or Chair. For assistance with their John Jay email account, faculty can contact the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Help Desk at (212) 237-8200 or via email (helpdesk@jjay.cuny.edu).


Please note that all users of College/CUNY computing resources are required to adhere to the CUNY Computer Use Policy. According to the policy, “the University’s computer resources are dedicated to the support of the University’s mission of education, research and public service. In furtherance of this mission, the University respects, upholds and endeavors to safeguard the principles of academic freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry”. The University seeks both to protect privacy rights but also emphasizes responsibilities of use. For instance, “use of CUNY Computer Resources for private commercial or not-for-profit business purposes, for private advertising of products or services, or for any activity meant solely to foster personal gain, is prohibited. Similarly, use of CUNY Computer Resources for partisan political activity is also prohibited.”


The Computer Use Policy notes that all computer use, which includes sending emails, is subject to review by the college as well as subject to legal inquiries (i.e. subpoena). As such, it is best for faculty to clearly distinguish between professional communications (for which John Jay email can be used) and all other communications (perhaps using a separate, personal email address). To the extent that faculty use a personal e-mail account to communicate professionally, it is important to bear in mind that this could open all communications from that personal account to legal scrutiny.

Faculty can and should update their contact information through CUNYFirst, keeping it up-to-date, including home, cell, office telephone numbers; home mailing address and emergency contact information. Faculty can also sign up for the CUNY Alert system to receive automated messages during an emergency through CUNYFirst.

Full-time faculty can update their own John Jay faculty profile pages to add new information, update a bio or CV, etc.  To do so, log in at www.jjay.cuny.edu/user/login with the John Jay email credentials (username without @jjay.cuny.edu and email password). Once logged in, click on the Faculty Profile tab to edit. Part-time faculty (particularly those with multi-year appointments) can request that their hiring department include them, along with their College contact information, on the department’s web page.

All faculty, students and staff may subscribe to the CUNY Alert System to receive emergency notifications via cell phone (text and/or voice), landline telephone and e-mail. To sign up to receive these alerts, go to http://www.cuny.edu/alert. An emergency closing is a cancellation of classes or suspension of campus operations for a full day or part of a day because of adverse weather conditions, interruption of transportation, or other major emergency. The decision is made by the president or the president’s designee or, in some cases, by CUNY Central. The college is open unless a specific announcement of closing is made through the CUNY Alert system, on the college’s website, and/or by radio broadcast. Closure announcements must refer specifically to John Jay College. (Occasionally, radio stations confuse City College of New York (CCNY) and CUNY and announce that the City University has closed when in fact only City College is closed.)