Opportunities to Transform Lives

By October 31st, summer/fall 2024 graduates must have their tuition paid in full and apply for graduation in CUNYfirst.


By March 31st, winter/spring 2025 graduates must have their tuition paid in full and apply for graduation in CUNYfirst. Summer 2025 graduates must have their spring tuition balance paid in full. If you are attending summer session, summer tuition and fees are due the day before the first day of summer classes. 


By May 1st, if you have two courses or LESS in summer and wish to participate in the Spring 2025 Commencement ceremony, you must register for summer classes AND apply for graduation in CUNYfirst. If you are attending summer session, summer tuition and fees are due the day before the first day of summer classes. 


If you have MORE than two courses in the summer, you must apply for graduation in CUNYfirst by July 31st, pay your tuition in full, and you will be eligible to participate in the Spring 2026 Commencement ceremony.

Commencement Vendors

You can take graduation portraits at www.ThorntonStudio.com using Code: studio. If a student has a question, please contact the studio directly at info@ThorntonStudio.com.

*To be included in the 2024-2025 John Jay yearbook, your senior portrait must have been taken by Tuesday, February 11, 2025.*

Students must wear a cap and gown to enter the Commencement venue and participate in the ceremony: https://oakhallcg.com/pages/johnjay

The deadline to purchase regalia is April 23, 2025.

Order in-person or online

12pm-6pm in the Atrium on the following dates:

March 25-27

April 22-24 (April 23 in Hound Square)



To view Commencement Archives, visit here.

2024-2025 Commencement Newsletter Archives

Commencement Newsletter 24-25 Issue 4 (February 11, 2025)

Commencement Newsletter 24-25 Issue 3 (February 3, 2025)

Commencement Newsletter 24-25 Issue 2 (October 29, 2024)

Commencement Newsletter 24-25 Issue 1 (September 24, 2024)

Contact us

Room L.69NB
524 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019 
P: 646.557.4888
E: graduation@jjay.cuny.edu