Improving grade in a gateway course

I am interested in improving my grade in a gateway course.

The Acceleration Program provides no-cost opportunities for grade improvement to continuing John Jay undergraduate students. Eligible students are able to participate in a two-week workshop intensive to improve on their content mastery and overall grade of a targeted course they attempted in the prior regular semester. Seats are limited, and filled on a first-come-first-served basis.

 Eligibility Criteria

  • Be referred by their faculty to participate in the workshop intensive
  • Have completed at least 2/3rds of their course work
  • Receive a final grade of F, D-, D, or D+ for the course

Courses for which workshops are offered change each intersession, but may include ENG 101, ENG 201, MAT 105, or MAT 108. Workshops will be offered in summer 2025 for TBD.

There is no application for the workshop as students need to be referred by their professor. Please have a conversation with your professor about your eligibility to participate.