Assistant Professor of Sociology Tarun Banerjee was named a recipient of the 2023 Feliks Gross Award for Outstanding Research.
The Feliks Gross and Henry Wasser Awards, named for two founders of the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences, are presented each year to CUNY assistant professors in recognition of outstanding research. Banerjee will present his work as part of the award lecture series.
Banerjee's research explores power dynamics, particularly how those in and out of power work to achieve their goals. Earlier this year, he received a 2022 Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) fellowship to support his work on how lessons from the 1960s Civil Rights movement can be applied today.
Banerjee’s other recent scholarship includes “Class, Sectoral, or Self-interest? The Collective Action of Large Manufacturing Firms in Response to Protest” in Class, Race and Corporate Power, “The Collective Interests of Large Corporations: Social Movement Protest and the Policy-Planning Network” in The Sociological Quarterly, “Class Dominance or Fracturing? Sources of Broad Interest in Lobbying by Fortune 500 Corporations,” in Sociological Perspectives and “The Leverage of Protest: Market, Media, and Reputational Disruption in Social Movement Success,” in Sociological Forum. For more, please click here.