Program for Research Initiatives in Science and Math Recognized by Legislature
Twenty John Jay College science students had their research exhibited in the New York State Capitol building for a week starting on Tuesday, June 9. The research projects were conducted as part of the College’s Program for Research Initiatives in Science and Math (PRISM). The exhibit is sponsored State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan), who along with Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan), introduced a legislative resolution acknowledging John Jay’s 50th anniversary and recognizing the PRISM program and students.
Launched in 2006, PRISM at John Jay College of Criminal Justice aims to provide science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students with faculty-led research experiences throughout their undergraduate career. PRISM was created to improve student retention and graduation rates, increase student exposure and access to careers in STEM disciplines, and improve their competitiveness in applying to STEM graduate schools. As Hispanic-serving institution, John Jay is contributing to increased diversity in the STEM fields.
As testimony to the success of the program, PRISM’s founder, Dr. Anthony Carpi, Associate Provost and Dean of Research, was recognized in 2011 by President Barack Obama with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Math, and Engineering Mentoring. PRISM fosters deep mentoring relationships between students and faculty that result in significant scientific achievements for John Jay students. PRISM also helps students transitioning from CUNY community colleges to John Jay, and manages a National Science Foundation-funded scholarship program for disadvantaged students.
John Jay students and their faculty mentors visited the exhibit at the Capitol building on June 9 and discussed their research with guests and elected officials. Click here for photos from their visit.
Below is a list of the students who are showcased in the exhibit. For a summary of the students’ research projects and their faculty mentors, click here.
- Melinda Chiu, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Karen Conrad, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Stephania Guzman, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Imani Hargett, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Richard Khusial, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Cristina Kinahan, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Erica Klafhen, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Anna Lerer, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Herold Menier, Forensic Science/Criminalistics
- Jazlene Montes, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Jae Hyuk Oh, Computer Science/Math
- David Rodriguez, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Danielle Rouse, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Shantoi Shaw, Computer Science/Math
- Derek Sokolowski, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Fidelis Tan, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Carlos Texeira, Forensic Science/Criminalistics
- Shawn Williams, Forensic Science/Molecular Biology
- Veronika Yakovishina, Forensic Science/Toxicology
- Shari Yarde, Forensic Science/Toxicology
About John Jay College of Criminal Justice: An international leader in educating for justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice of The City University of New York offers a rich liberal arts and professional studies curriculum to upwards of 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 135 nations. In teaching, scholarship and research, the College approaches justice as an applied art and science in service to society and as an ongoing conversation about fundamental human desires for fairness, equality and the rule of law. For more information, visit www.jjay.cuny.edu.