On Wednesday, September 12th, the John Jay community gathered together to pay tribute to our fallen heroes who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. Sixty-seven John Jay alumni members were killed that day, and unfortunately, more have later succumbed to illnesses directly related to their efforts on the site.
“Today, we honor their memories. We salute their bravery. We support their loved ones. And, we remind ourselves to continue their work,” said President Karol V. Mason. “For many young students gathered with us today, the tragic events on September 11th may not be a part of your collective memory. But, as a part of the John Jay community, know that the courage and conviction that ran through those alumni members on September 11th runs through you too. You’re carrying their legacy in everything you do.”
Following President Mason’s remarks, Sanjana Nair, Lecturer in the English Department, recited a poem she wrote especially for the occasion. As faculty, staff, and students read the names of our lost alumni members, students placed a candle around the memorial.
Once the site was encircled in candles, James Leonard, M.S. ’13, Chief of the Department, FDNY; Peter Beshar, J.D., John Jay College Foundation Trustee, Executive Vice President & General Counsel Marsh & McLennan Companies; and Benjamin Tucker, B.S. ’77, J.D., First Deputy Commissioner, NYPD, each spoke about the long-term impact the event had on their agencies and businesses. To acknowledge the lives recently lost from the toxic debris, they lit special candles of remembrance. The event concluded with students placing origami cranes around the memorial, symbolizing a wish of peace, hope, and healing.

For more stories on September 11th commemorations at John Jay, please visit these links:
- Understanding 9/11 Through Volunteerism
- Student Volunteers Pack 852,120 Meals For Food-Insecure Families