Ph.D., University of Ulm, Germany (1991, Human Biology)
M.S., University of Cologne, Germany (1985, Biology)
Dr. Prinz is a Professor in the Science Department and the director of the Master of Science in Forensic Science Program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. Her expertise is in forensic DNA analysis. After working as casework analyst and laboratory director at the Institute of Legal Medicine in Cologne Germany and the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in New York City Dr. Prinz has more than 30 years of DNA casework experience. Over the years she and has served with several organizations promoting best practices in forensic science on the state, federal and international level. Her past research focussed on assays enhancing DNA casework capabilities, like Y-chromosome specific DNA testing. Current research interests include the optimization of touch DNA recovery, typing and interpretation.
Concepts of Forensic Science FOS 108 |
The Biology of Sex and Gender BIO255/GEN255 |
Survey of Molecular Biology CRJ86400 |
Advanced Molecular Biology II FOS733 |
Thesis Prospectus Series FOS795, FOS796, FOS797 |
Research Methods in Forensic Science CJ86500 |
Independent Study CRJ79600, FOS794, FOS793
International Society for Forensic Genetics, American Association of Forensic Scientists (Fellow), American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (Academic Member) North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists
P.M. McLaughlin, C. Hopkins, E. Springer, M.Prinz. Non-destructive DNA recovery from handwritten documents using a dry vacuum technique. J. Forensic Sci. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.14696
S.A. Sterling, K.E. Mason, D.S. Anex, G.J. Parker, B. Hart, M. Prinz. Combined DNA typing and protein identification from unfired brass cartridges. J. Forensic Sci. 64 (2019) 1475-1481. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14042
V. Mushailov, S. Rodriguez, Z. M. Budimlija, M. Prinz, E. Wurmbach, Assay development and validation of an 8-SNP multiplex test to predict eye and skin coloration. J. Forensic Sci. 60 (2015) 990-1000.
H. Yang, B. Zhou, H. Deng, M. Prinz, D. Siegel, Body fluid identification by mass spectrometry. Int. J. Legal Med. 127 (2013) 1065-1077.
A.A. Mitchell, J. Tamariz, K. O'Connell, N. Ducasse, Z. Budimlija, M. Prinz, T. Caragine, Validation of a DNA mixture statistics tool incorporating allelic drop-out and drop-in. Forensic Sci Int Genet 6 (2012) 749-761.
Many of our research projects pertain to the optimzation of DNA analysis for contact traces. Optimization can be at the recovery and testing level, or at the interpretation step. Past research involved parallel recovery and detection of DNA and protein markers in contact traces. We are also working on a method for intergrating DNA and latent print processing for paper evidence. The main project is on determining the population variability of individual shedding propensity, or how much DNA people leave behind when touching a substrate.