JD Fordham University School of Law
MLIS Queens College
BA State University of New York at Oneonta (History)
Maureen Richards is an Assistant Professor in the Library Department. After practicing law for over 25 years, she obtained a Masters in Library and Information Science and began her new career as an academic librarian. She now serves as the Electronic Resources Librarian and as a reference and instruction librarian. Her scholarly research has focused on student use of library resources, often with a focus on John Jay students.
American Library Association & Association of College & Research Libraries Division Library Association of the City of New York (LACUNY) Metropolitan New York Library Counsel (METRO)
Richards, M. (2021). Is “just googling it” good enough for first-year students?. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/10691316.2021.1894295.
Richards, M., Bladek, M. & Okamoto, K. (2018). Interactive Whiteboards in Library Instruction: Facilitating Student Engagement and Active Learning. Practical Academic Librarianship, 8(1), 1-27. https://journals.tdl.org/pal/index.php/pal/article/view/7035/6121
Richards, M. (2017). Stronger Together: Increasing Connections Between Academic and Public Libraries, Collaborative Librarianship, 9(2), 134-158. http://digitalcommons.du.edu/collaborativelibrarianship/vol9/iss2/10
Richards, M. (2016). 24/7 Library Hours at an Urban Commuter College. Urban Library Journal, 22 (1). http://academicworks.cuny.edu/ulj/vol22/iss1/2