Ph.D., Yale University (2008, History) |
Hyunhee PARK is a Professor of History at the City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the CUNY Graduate Center. A native of South Korea, she received her BA in Asian and Western history at Seoul National University in 1997, her MA in East Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2003, and her Ph.D. in history at Yale University in 2008. She specializes in the history of cross-cultural contacts in East Asia and the Islamic World, in Sino-Islamic contacts in particular, in the Mongol Empire, and global history, focusing on information/knowledge transfers, including transfers of geographical knowledge, foodways, and distillation technologies. She authored Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-Modern Asia (Cambridge University Press, Hardback 2012, Paperback 2015), Soju: A Global History (Cambridge University Press, 2021), and 30 articles for academic journals and edited volumes. Serving as the coordinator of the Humanities and Justice Studies program (Fall 2016 –), she has taught several cap-stone courses for the HJS major in addition to history courses including Chinese and Global History, Historiography, Research Methods, and Senior Seminars.
Senior Seminar in History, Senior Seminar in HJS, History Research Methods, Historiography, China to 1650, China: 1650 to Present, Justice in the Non-Western Tradition, Global History: 500 – 1650 CE
The American Historical Association (AHA). The Association for Asian Studies (AAS). The Middle East Studies Association (MESA). The World History Association (WHA). Society for Song, Yuan, & Conquest Dynasty Studies. The Korean Historical Association (KHA). The Korean Research Association of Old Maps.
Park, Hyunhee. Soju: A Global History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. (https://www.amazon.com/Soju-Global-History-Asian-Connections/dp/1108842011/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=hyunhee+park&qid=1600887789&sr=8-1)
Park, Hyunhee. Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-Modern Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Paperback in 2015. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/mapping-the-chinese-and-islamic-worlds/9554FAD722664734198974578D239BAD)
Park, Hyunhee. “Ghiyāth al-Dīn Naqqāsh.” Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, 24–25. Leiden: Brill, 2021. (https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopaedia-of-islam-3/ghiyath-al-din-naqqash-COM_27459)
Park, Hyunhee. “The Peak of China’s Long-Distance Maritime Connections with Western Asia During the Mongol Period: Comparison with the Pre-Mongol and Post-Mongol Periods.” In Early Global Interconnectivity Across the Indian Ocean World, Volume I: Commercial Structures and Exchanges, edited by Angela Schottenhammer. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 53-78. (https://www.palgrave.com/br/book/9783319976662)
Park, Hyunhee. “The World Map Produced in Korea in 1402 and Its Possible Sources from the Islamic World.” The Journal of Asian History 52, no.2 (2018): 209-234. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.13173/jasiahist.52.2.0209?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents)
Park, Hyunhee. “Yinduyang dili zhishi de tazhan yu musilin de gongxian: cong yuangu shidai zhi gongyuan 1500 nian” 印度洋地理知识的拓展与穆斯林的贡献:从远古时代至公元1500年 [Development of Geographic Knowledge of the Indian Ocean and Muslim Contributions, from Antiquity to ca.1500]. Translated by Cheng Xiujin 程秀金 into Chinese. Global History Review 11 (2016), 91-108. [Chinese translation of the English paper published in Zhenghe Forum]
Park, Hyunhee. “La conception de l’océan Indien dans la cartographie en Chine et en Asie du Sud-Est.” In La fabrique de l’Ocean Indien: cartes d’Orient et d’Occident (Antiquite–XVIe siecle), edited by Emmanuelle Vagnon and Éric Vallet, 93-105. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016. [Paper translated by Emmanuelle Vagnon into French] (http://www.publications-sorbonne.fr/fr/livre/?GCOI=28405100214560)
Park, Hyunhee. “The Imagined among the Real: The Country of Women in Traditional and Early Modern Chinese Geographical Accounts and Maps.” In Imagining Early Modern Histories, edited by Allison Kavey and Elizabeth Ketner, 101-124. New York: Routledge, 2016. (https://www.whsmith.co.uk/products/imagining-early-modern-histories/9781472465177)
2021 An NEH Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations grant as a co-researcher and co-author in the joint research and translation project “The Khataynameh (The Book of China)” 2016 Fall Field Research Fellowship from the Korea Foundation to write a book draft entitled “The Story of Soju: Distillation in Mongol Korea and its Eurasian Roots and Global Context” 2016 Fall Research Grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) as a co-researcher in the joint research project “Cross-cultural Contacts and Changes in Worldviews during the ‘Pax Mongolica’” (November 2016-October 2019) 2016 Fall Research Grant from the Korean Studies Promotion Service (KSPS) as a co-researcher in the joint research project “An International Comparative Research Lab for New Discovery-Research-Publication of Ancient Manuscript (Archive Document) & Modern Literary Materials on Korean Studies in the Middle East” (November 2016-October 2020) 2013 Fall Funding from the Confucius Institute (Hanban, China) and the Thyssen Foundation (Germany) to host an international conference “Chinese and Asian Geographical and Cartographical Views on Central Asia and its Adjacent Regions” held at University of Bonn, Germany (January 10-11, 2014) 2012 Fall Post-doc fellowship from the International Academy for China Studies (IACS) and the Confucius Institute (Hanban) to participate in the Research for Marco Polo project at the IACS at Peking University, China (September 1 – December 28, 2012) 2012 Spring DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) research visit grant for working in Germany to launch the second book project (June 1 – July 30)