Ph.D in Public Administration, School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia, 2006
MPA, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2002
Elaine Lu is a professor and director in the Department of Public Management at the City University of New York-John Jay College. 2021 marks the 21st year of her involvement in the field of public policy and administration. Her primary field of study is fiscal policy and performance accountability. Her book, Public Performance Budgeting: Principles and Practice (2019), is published by Taylor and Francis with co-author, Dr. Katherine Willoughby. She engages with professional associations in various capacities on numerous occasions, including but not limited to: a commissioner of NASPAA’s Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA), Board member of the Center for Accountability and Performance, executive committee member of the Section of Public Performance and Management (SPPM), the Chair of Section of Chinese Public Administration of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), the board member for the Section for Women in Public Administration (SWPA) and a member of the government agility network of National Academy of Public Administration. She sits on the editorial boards of three journals (two in US and one international). Committed to turning knowledge into actionable policy recommendations, she has done funded and pro bono work for both domestic and international organizations. In recognition of her international services, she was selected as the recipient of the Julia J. Henderson International Award by the SWPA of ASPA in 2019. Currently, she also directs one of the largest NASPAA-accredited MPA programs in the world. She is committed to enhancing social mobility of students into the middle class and beyond and promoting leadership among people from all walks of life, particularly those underrepresented in the leadership of public services. During her tenure as the Director, the MPA program has been improved substantially over the past three years: 10 ranks higher than last year and 12 ranks higher than two years ago, placing #48 overall, according to US News and World Report in 2021. Dr. Lu received her PH.D from the University of Georgia-Athens.
Selected Recent Publications:
Elaine Yi Lu and Katherine Willoughby (2019), Public Performance Budgeting: Principles and Practice (Taylor and Francis)
Designing Performance Systems in Anticipation of Unintended Consequences: Experiences and Lessons from the Compstat-based Performance Regime in NYPD. Administration and Society, December 2020 (with Kaifeng Yang and Blair Thomas) https://doi.org/10.1177/0095399720976532
An Empirical Assessment of the Contribution of State Offices of Inspectors General to Corruption Control. Public Integrity, November 2020 (with Robin Kempt, Vijay Sampath and David Shapiro). https://doi.org/10.1080/10999922.2020.1839188
Negotiations beyond the Deadline: The Impact of Budget Deadlines and Delays on Appropriation Outcomes. Public Money and Management, Sept 2020 (with Gang Chen) https://doi.org/10.1080/09540962.2020.1815387
A Day Late and A Dollar Short? A Study of Budget Passage in New York State. Public Budgeting & Finance. doi:10.1111/pbaf.12097, (2016) (Elaine Yi Lu and Gang Chen)
Grounding Police Accountability and Performance in Context: A Comparative Study of Stop and Frisk Between New York City and Taipei City. Public Administration and Development.,36: 108–120 (2016). doi: 10.1002/pad.1755, 2016 (with Chu, C.c., Wang, C.-y., and Tsai, T.-J. )
Performance Budgeting in American States: A Framework of Integrating Performance with Budgeting, International Journal of Public Administration 1-11. doi: 10.1080/01900692.2014.949751, April 2015 (With Katherine G. Willoughby)
Study of Causes and Performance Outcome of Police Discretion: A Case Study of Stop and Frisk from TaiPei. Police Administration Issue 15: 65-91 (with Chu, C.c., Wang, C.-y., and Tsai, T.-J.) (in Chinese)
Taking Stock: Assessing and Improving Performance Budgeting Theory and Practice, Public Performance & Management Review Vol. 38, No. 3, 2015, pp. 426458 (with Alfred TK Ho and Zachary Mohr)
- State and local government fiscal affairs
- Public budgeting and financial management
- Performance budgeting
- Performance assessment and management
- Interorganizational service delivery
- Public affairs education
- International comparative budgeting and public finance