BS/MS in Forensic Science FAQ
What happens if my Science GPA is less than 3.0?
Students whose science and math GPAs fall below 3.0 are not eligible to apply for the program.
What if I have fewer than 60 credits or more than 70? Can I still be admitted?
If you are still a freshman, you should declare your interest and study to maintain your GPA.
To officially apply, you must be a sophomore with 45 to 60 credits. You will apply in your fourth semester after having completed approximately 45 credits, including BIO 104, CHE 201, PHY 203, and MAT 152. If accepted, you must have taken CHE 202 and PHY 204 by the time you start the program.
Be sure to tell your undergraduate advisor early that you are considering applying to the program! Email the deputy director for the BS/MS – Dr. Mechthild Prinz (, to declare your interest and receive further guidance.
You will not be considered for application if you have over 70 credits or have taken CHE 320 and CHE 321 (Instrumental Analysis I and II). This is because you are too far along in your studies to be integrated into the graduate student cohort. In this case, you should consider applying for the Master of Forensic Science program after you finish your Bachelor’s degree:
Are transfer students eligible for the program?
It depends! Often, these students do not have the necessary coursework to apply.
We encourage transfer students interested in the program to contact the program college assistant, Lindsay Lerner (, for an eligibility evaluation.
What if I am in the Toxicology or Cell and Molecular Biology Major?
It depends on which basic science classes you have completed. Please contact Lindsay Lerner ( for an eligibility evaluation. If you are accepted to the program, you must switch your major to Forensic Science.
What happens if I start the program and do not like it?
Students who are unhappy with the program will return as undergraduates. Once they have 120 credits and complete the required forensic science specialization courses, they will graduate with their BS.
Similarly, if you fall below a 3.0 GPA in the program, you will be placed on probation and required to take fewer courses the following semester. If your GPA does not improve the next semester, you may be dismissed from the program, in which case you return to completing your BS degree only.
What materials are needed to apply?
Eligible students must submit a personal statement and obtain two letters of recommendation. Your references should be from current or former professors, preferably Science or Math professors.
The personal statement should be an approximately 1000-word document in which the candidates explain their interests, qualifications, and career goals that support the applicant's request for admission to the program.
Applicants do not need to submit transcripts as these records are available internally.
Applications are free and due on April 1st.
How much does the program cost?
This program is accelerated and intended for students to attend full-time (at least 12 cr. for undergraduate students, at least nine cr. for graduate students). Full-time NY State resident students pay a maximum undergraduate tuition rate of $3,465.00 regardless of course level until they complete their Bachelor's degree. Students are then graduate students, and tuition is charged at the graduate rate. Students who have not yet earned a Bachelor's degree continue to be eligible for consideration of federal and state financial aid programs, including PELL, TAP, and Excelsior. Students apply for graduation with the baccalaureate degree in the semester they complete the undergraduate requirements of the program. Once students move on to the Master's portion of the program, undergraduate financial aid is not applicable. Students may apply for federal loans to finance their Master's degree.
If circumstances require students to attend part-time, tuition rates will be determined by the level of the courses (undergraduate or graduate) they are registered for.
Non-NY State resident tuition is determined by the level of the courses registered for (undergraduate or graduate).
All students in the accelerated, dual admission programs must consult with the Financial Aid Office about their eligibility for aid under federal and state guidelines and the Bursar's Office about tuition charges when considering admission to these programs. Once students begin taking graduate courses, not all courses will be part of their undergraduate program of study on DegreeWorks. This may affect their eligibility for financial aid. Consultation with Financial Aid is essential as students move through this phase of the program.
Are scholarships available?
There are no separate scholarships, but you are eligible for all BS scholarships, including the Excelsior scholarship, while taking undergraduate-level classes.
Once you reach enough credits and your BS degree is conferred, these scholarships will not be available.
Earning the Bachelor’s Degree and Becoming a Graduate Student
Students apply for graduation with the Bachelor’s Degree once they are finished with their undergraduate program requirements. This must be at least one semester before completing the Master’s degree. For students to be awarded their Bachelor’s, they cannot be enrolled in a future term until the degree is awarded and graduate courses taken as part of the undergraduate program are transferred to their graduate record. Students should not plan on taking Winter or Summer Session I courses as this transition occurs. Students must complete a minimum of two classes at John Jay as graduate students.

Dr. Mechthild Prinz, Deputy Director of the BS/MS:
Dr. Marta Concheiro-Guisan, Director of the Graduate Forensic Program: