About ACE
Based on the principles of the successful CUNY Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in community colleges, John Jay College is serving as a testing ground to see if ASAP’s successful model can be replicated in a senior college setting. ACE ad preliminary promising results and is entering its fifth year of operation thanks to generous support from the Robin Hood Foundation, the Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, and the Jewish Foundation for the Education of Women (JFEW). In fall 2018, The Laura and John Arnold Foundation is supporting a randomized control trial in order to rigorously evaluate the ACE program’s ability to increase four-year graduation rates for baccalaureate degree students.
For news and reports on John Jay ACE, visit the Inside the ACE Program at John Jay webpage.

Daniela Bulos, Career Specialist
DeLandra Hunter, Director
Alejandro Lazaro, Senior Academic Advisor
Celina Marrero, Administrative Coordinator
Kenneth Martin, Senior Academic Advisor
Mariam Mkrtchyan, Financial Aid & Outreach Specialist
Berlyn Morales-Witten, Associate Director
Eva Nolen, Senior Academic Advisor
Spencer Payton, Senior Academic Advisor
Vivian Rivera, Senior Academic Advisor
Luisa Samayoa, Senior Academic Advisor
Selma Skrijelj, Senior Academic Advisor