Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee
"There shall be a Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty which shall be responsible for a continuous review of faculty evaluation procedures; review of the design of the survey instrument; recommendations for the terms under which the instrument will be used; and for the development of guidelines which shall be submitted to the College Council for review..."
[John Jay College Charter of Governance, Article I, Section 9.h]
CUNY General Policy
City University of New York
Manual of General Policy
Article V Policy 5.21
Student Participation in Decision-Making Processes
"No recommendations for reappointment, tenure or promotion should be granted without evidence given to the Board of Trustees of systematic student evaluation, except in such cases where the Chancellor presents a cogent reason."
Access CUNY General Policy re Student Evaluation Here
John Jay Charter
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Charter of Governance
Article I, Section 9.h
Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty
"There shall be a Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty which shall be responsible for a continuous review of faculty evaluation procedures; review of the design of the survey instrument; recommendations for the terms under which the instrument will be used; and for the development of guidelines which shall be submitted to the College Council for review. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall designate staff for the committee."
John Jay Bylaws
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
College Council Bylaws
Article I, Section 2.h
Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty
"The Committee on Student Evaluation of the Faculty shall consist of the following members: four (4) full-time members of the faculty, as defined in Article I, Section 3.a.i of the Charter of Governance, and two (2) students. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its faculty members. Members shall serve for a term of two (2) years."
Access John Jay Council Bylaws Here
CUNY Affirmative Action Policy
City University of New York
Manual of General Policy
Article V Policy 5.04
Affirmative Action
"RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York reaffirms its commitment to affirmative action and directs the Chancellory and the colleges to reemphasize the taking of the positive steps that will lead to recruiting, hiring, retaining, tenuring, and promoting increased numbers of qualified minorities and women." (Board of Trustees Minutes,1985,05-28,6,C)
- Faculty Access and Read Primary Documents here:
Faculty Access, Primary Documents
- Students Access and Read Primary Documents here:
Students Access, Primary Documents
- All Access SEOF Calculator here:
SEOF Calculator
- All Access External Link (More About SEOF) here:
Office of Director, Faculty Services
- All Access 7 Principles for a Culturally Responsible, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum at John Jay here:
Seven Principles
Report Titles
- Markus, K. A. (2000). Validation report for the student evaluation of faculty: Spring 1999.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2011). The student evaluation of faculty (SEOF) stakeholder survey.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2012). Blueprint and specifications for revised student evaluation of faculty form.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2014). Student evaluation of faculty pilot test report: June 2013.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2014). Results of the spring 2014 student evaluation of faculty pilot.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2017). Open-ended question pilot study.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2020). Fall 2017 and 2018 pilot studies: Brackets and does-not-apply response options.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2022). Interim Advice on Use of Student Evaluation of Faculty Ratings in the Context of Social Biases Against Minoritized Groups
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2023). Bias Study Research Proposal: Report on bias to College Council.
- Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee (2023). Revised Student Evaluation of Faculty Instrument
How to Find Reports: Faculty
- Inside John Jay > Resource Center > Student Evaluation of Faculty
- Access Inside John Jay Here
How to Find Reports: Students
- Jaystop > My JJC > Student Compendium > Student Evaluation of Faculty
- Access Jay Stop Here
Committee Members
- Keith Markus, SEOF Committee Chair,
Department of Psychology
- Olami Ayebusiwa,
Student Government
- Christopher Herrmann,
Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration
- Parsva Shah,
Student Government
- Daniel Martens Yaverbaum,
Department of Sciences
- Sung-Suk Violet Yu,
Department of Criminal Justice