Student Evaluation of Faculty

All John Jay College teaching faculty are evaluated by students at the end of every fall, spring and select summer semesters for each of their courses. Students have the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on their experiences in your course. Student Evaluations of Faculty (SEOFs) assess several factors reflective of your teaching style, pedagogy and course materials. The results from these evaluations can be used to inform your ongoing teaching practices.

SEOFs are also used as a part of the decision-making process for any faculty who wish to be considered for reappointment, tenure and/or promotion. As per the CUNY Manual of General Policy Article V Policy 5.21 Student Participation in Decision-Making Processes: "No recommendations for reappointment, tenure or promotion should be granted without evidence given to the Board of Trustees of systematic student evaluation, except in such cases where the Chancellor presents a cogent reason."

Your SEOF results are included as part of your faculty personnel file, and so are reviewed by your Chair, the Departmental P&B and FPC Committees and the President when you are up for key personnel actions.

Fall 2023 Evaluation Periods

  • 8-week 1 coursesTuesday, October10 – Tuesday, October 17
  • Main and 8-week 2 courses: Monday, November 27– Monday, December 11

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