Faculty Academic Leaves
Please consult the CUNY Code of Practice Regarding Instructional Staff Academic Leavespdf for a full description of each leave, eligibility requirements, review and approval process, duration, compensation, retirement implications and more. Some leaves have strict deadlines, while others accept applications throughout the year. Applications for leaves that require Departmental P&B and FPC approvals should be submitted to the department chairperson in enough time to be reviewed by both committees before the start of the leave. All applications are sent to Department Chairpersons.
Fellowship Leaves
Fellowship Leave (formerly known as "sabbatical leave") may be granted for conducting research (including study and related travel), improvement of teaching, and/or production of creative works in literature or the arts.
Fellowship Leave requires Departmental P&B and FPC committee approval (see application for details). Applications should be submitted to the department chairperson, one academic year prior to the requested leave:
Application deadline for Fall Fellowship Leave: October 1st (one year prior to anticipated leave)
Application Deadline for Spring Fellowship Leave: March 1st (one year prior to anticipated leave)
Scholar Incentive Award Leaves
The purpose of Scholar Incentive Awards is to facilitate bona fide and documented scholarly research. Applications that reflect other purposes, such as meeting degree requirements, service outside the University, or other professional, career or personal reasons, shall not be considered for these Awards.
Scholar Incentive Award Leaves require Departmental P&B and FPC committee approval (see application for details)
Special Leave of Absence without Pay
Special leaves of absence without pay may be requested for study, writing, research, a creative project, or public service of reasonable duration. A special leave of absence without pay represents a break in service towards the achievement of tenure or a Certificate of Continuous Employment (for a lecturer).
Partial Leaves with Partial Pay
Partial leaves with partial pay are granted for special projects, such as writing a book, when the leave would be to the mutual benefit of both the faculty member and the college. It is expected that partial leaves of absence with partial pay will be granted in rare and unusual circumstances, i.e., infrequently.
A partial leave with partial pay releases a faculty member from a percentage of his/her teaching responsibilities, with a corresponding reduction in salary, but does not relieve the faculty member of any other responsibilities. A partial leave with partial pay represents a break in service towards tenure or a Certificate of Continuous Employment (for a lecturer).
Professional Reassignment Leaves in the Library
Professional reassignment leaves are granted to members of the instructional staff who serve in the libraries to permit them to engage in research, scholarly writing, and other recognized professional activities that enhance their contribution to the University. Only members of the instructional staff who serve in the libraries are eligible for these leaves.
Other Authorized Leaves of Absence without Pay
These are extraordinary leaves, which should be very rare and only recommended by the President for valid purposes that are not covered by other leave categories. As in the case of special leaves of absence without pay, they may not be taken to assume a tenure track position or an administrative position at another institution of higher learning.
- Application: Submit a letter requesting Authorized Leave of Absence without Pay attention to your Department Chairperson and Provost.
Non-Academic Leaves
For all other leaves contact the Office of Human Resources.
Helpful Links
CUNY Code of Practice Regrading Instructional Staff Academic Leavespdf
Faculty Personnel Process Guidelinespdf