Navigate360 Support

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Email us at for any questions, requests, or other support needs. 

Navigate360 workshops offer introductory training for staff/faculty members beginning to use the system. For department-specific trainings or individual questions, please contact us at If you don’t already have access to the Navigate360 system, please refer to our “Access Navigate360” section on the staff page. Access may take a few weeks to be updated, so please make sure to begin the process before any workshops.


9/11 & 12, 1:40-3:00pm | Introduction to Navigate360 for Staff 

  • Description: Learn the basics to get started using Navigate360 and scheduling meetings with your students.  
  • Topics: Overview of Alerts and Progress Reports, setting up student appointments, basics on appointment campaigns, and viewing student data.
  • RSVP 

10/9 & 12, 1:40-3:00pm | Responding to Progress Reports 

  • Description: Understand how to respond to Progress Reports and create campaigns to support your students. 
  • Topics: Progress Reports overview, timeline and expectations, messaging students, appointments models, setting up campaigns, writing meeting summaries, and more.   
  • RSVP

10/16 $ 17, 1:40-3:00pm | Student Support Data & Automation 

  • Description: This advanced Navigate360 workshop will teach you how to gather data and automate functions such as campaigns and messaging. 
  • Topics: Using advance search features to find students, gathering data using Navigate360, creating reports and using predictive analytics, setting up automated messages, and more. 
  • RSVP 

Navigate360 workshops offer introductory training for staff/faculty members beginning to use the system. For department-specific trainings or individual questions, please contact us at If you don’t already have access to the Navigate360 system, please refer to our “Access Navigate360” section on the faculty page. Access may take a few weeks to be updated, so please make sure to begin the process before any workshops.


9/18 & 19, 1:40-3:00pm | Introduction to Navigate360 for Faculty 

  • Description: Learn the basics to get started using Navigate360 to support students in your classes. 
  • Topics: Logging-in, understanding student’s data, support options for students, and issuing alerts. 
  • RSVP  

9/25, 26 & 30, 1:40-3:00pm | Filling Out Progress Reports 

  • Description: Understand how to fill out Progress Reports and how they can help your students succeed in their classes. 
  • Topics: Progress Reports overview, timeline and expectations, filling out Progress Report questions, and troubleshooting. 
  • RSVP 

10/24 & 30, 1:40-3:00pm | Coordinating Your Major or Minor 

  • Description: For major and minor coordinators, learn how to use Navigate360 to gather student data and streamline communications. 
  • Topics: Using advance search features to find students in your program, gathering data using Navigate360, and sending out messages. 
  • RSVP  

We are happy to help you train your team to use Navigate360! If you’d like to organize any department trainings outside of our scheduled workshops, please email us at with your requested dates and topics (if known) to be covered. 

Navigate360 Team Directory
Administrative Team Support |
Katalin Szur Interim Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention
William Stevens Associate Director for Data Analysis and Retention
Fernanda S.Cardoso Navigate360 Implementation Specialist