Navigate360 for Faculty

John Jay Students

Navigate360 is a user-friendly tool designed to help streamline communications with students, schedule appointments, and track student progress. Faculty and staff connect to their students and to one another, providing timely and effective support.

For information on training workshops and drop-in support, please check our calendar of events.


  1. Have access to student profiles and academic performance.
  2. Easy to email or text an individual or a group of students.
  3. Track student academic performance to inform instruction and intervention.
  4. Create student progress reports for outreach and timely intervention.
  5. Join the coordinated care team to provide efficient and timely support to your students.

You can log into Navigate360 using your CUNYfirst credentials.


If you need to expand your current role within the Navigate360 system, please fill out CUNY Navigate360 User Access Request Form. Include the rights that will be needed in Navigate360 to fulfill your job role. Have your manager or supervisor fill it out and sign as well, then email the form to Katherine Killoran at

Whenever you click a student’s name, you will automatically be redirected to their profile page. The 'Student Profile' shows key details about a student, such as their major, class standing, and assigned staff.


Student Overview

  • The ‘Overview’ tab gives you quick insight into the student’s performance and potential needs.
  • At the top, highlighted in blue, you will see a quick breakdown of their credits earned, GPA, and other areas of potential need.
  • Below is an overview including their major history, EMPLID, class standing, academic standing, and most recent enrollment.
  • Scrolling down you may also see their categories and more information on any minors, holds, cohorts, etc.
  • On the right-hand side, you will see the ‘Options’ menu for quick actions such as adding the student to a list, messaging them, issuing an alert, and more.
  • The ‘Staff Alerts’ will show any Progress Reports or Alerts issued for the student.
  • Under ‘Your Success Team’ you will be able to find and message directly any staff members assigned to the student.


Student Profile Features

  • The ‘Success Progress’ tab helps you visualize the student’s performance and progress over time.
  • The ‘History’ tab will show you previous appointments, alerts, progress reports, or to-do items issued for the student.
  • The ‘Courses’ tab shows a breakdown of all classes and credits taken by the student, including grades and upcoming semesters.
  • The ‘Appointments’ tab shows a history of all previous or future appointments associated with a student. You can also see any comments or meeting notes made by other staff regarding an appointment.


Student Success Markers (coming soon)

  • You can message your students via 'Students in My Courses' section on your homepage or 'Student Profile.'  
  • Email and text your students individually or in groups. Open 'Students in My Courses' or any student list, select the students, click ‘Actions,’ and select ‘Send Message.
  • For more information, please consult our Guide to Messaging Students on Navigate360.

NOTE: Correspondence or reports sent through the platform become part of the student's educational record and are therefore covered by FERPA. Please refrain from sending any messages containing confidential or personal information.


Navigate360 provides you with a wide range of tools to track and access student performance and progress. While individual student information can quickly be found through their Student Profile, there are also features that allow you to analyze larger cohorts, students in specific classes or majors, students from one of your lists, or students in your classes.


Finding and Creating Student Lists

If you wish to find, message, and track analytics for larger groups, such as students in your programs or cohorts, you can create a ‘student list’ to manage them more easily. All your pre-existing student lists can be found on the left-side menu, under 'Lists & Saved Items.’


The easiest way to add a list of students to Navigate360 is by uploading a list from Excel, but you can also search and add students to your lists from Navigate360 directly. To upload a student list from Excel:

  1. Make sure to have an Excel file ready to be uploaded into Navigate360.
  2. Save the file as an .csv file. You can do this by selecting 'File' > 'Save As' and selecting CSV (Comma Delimited).  For ease of upload: we recommend your file contains only the student EMPLIDs in the first column.
  3. Once you have your file ready, log into Navigate360.
  4. On the left-side menu, select 'Lists & Saved Items'.
  5. Click 'Actions,' then select 'Upload Student List' from the drop-down menu.
  6. Scroll down and click 'New Student List.' Name the list accordingly and confirm.
  7. Choose the file from your computer and upload it to Navigate360.
  8. Select the column from which you want to import the student EMPLIDs from.
  9. Once saved, this list will become available among your student lists.

Using Advanced Search to Find Students

Advanced Search is a search function in Navigate360 that lets you find unique cohorts of students based on your own customized filters. Advance Search can be found on the left-side menu. Within Advanced Search, use the drop-down menus to add and layer filters based on what types of students you are looking for. Here are some examples:

  • Click 'Student Information,' then 'Student List' to select from a pre-existing list of students you wish to look at. 
  • You can look at 'Performance Data' and add a Max. Cumulative GPA to find all students with a lower GPA than you selected.
  • You can select 'Course Data' to find students who are registered to one or more specific classes or sections.
  • Select ‘My Students Only’ to search from only your current assigned students.
  • After you have selected what you wish to find, simply click 'Search,' and you’ll receive an updated list with the student fitting the selected criteria. You can add them to a new list, message them, export the results to an Excel file, etc.

Using Reports to Track Progress

Reports allow you to track data and analytic insights within Navigate360 features. Reporting is a helpful tool for staff tasked with pulling analytics related to their programs. You can access ‘Reports’ by selecting the corresponding icon on the left sidebar.

  • Select ‘Standard Reports’ to generate a new report. You can create reports based on appointments, alerts, progress reports, enrollment, and more.
  • Once you have selected the type of report, you can add filters to create your search and optimize your results based on your needs.
  • Select ‘My Students Only’ to search your current assigned students.
  • Select ‘Run Report’ and wait for the report to be created.
  • Once your report has been completed, you can import those results, turn them into a student list, message students fitting the selected criteria, create an appointment campaign, etc.

The Navigate360 Coordinated Care System allows staff and faculty members to coordinate student support more effectively. Each student has their own ‘Success Team’ assigned to them each semester, providing support and outreach.


Coordinated Care Unit

When looking at a student’s profile page, you will see their coordinated care unit under ‘Your Success Team,’ on the right-hand side. If you wish to contact any of these faculty or staff members, click on the email icon under their name to craft and send a message directly. 


Students are assigned different staff and faculty members based on their cohorts, classes, and groups. If you're unsure who to message, the student’s ‘Support Coordinator’ will be the main source of support for the student. Some of the staff & faculty members you may find in a student’s coordinated care unit are:

  • Professor - the student’s current professors.
  • Advisor - the academic advisor assigned to the student.
  • Support Coordinator - staff member who is the main source of support for the student, and the person responsible for responding to Alerts.
  • Progress Report Case Manager - responsible for meeting with the student to support them with any Progress Report concerns.
  • Peer Success Coach - in some classes, students are assigned a PSC to support them.
  • Athletics - coach or athletics lead for students in athletics.

Progress Reports/Early Check-Ins

Once a semester, faculty members will be asked to fill out Progress Reports on different student populations. This tells staff of any areas the student may need support in. The student’s Progress Report Case Manager can then offer their dedicated support, helping the student based on this feedback sent by faculty. 


Unlike Progress Reports, Alerts are ongoing and can be sent out at any point in the semester. Once an alert is issued, the corresponding office or the student’s Support Coordinator will be assigned to help support the student through immediate action.

NOTE: Alerts should never be used in place of safety or health concerns and emergencies.