For Alumni
Career Learning Lab: Explore, Experiment, Excel
The Career Learning Lab: Explore, Experiment, Excel is a lifelong resource for alumni. Our services include resources at all stages of career decision-making - from graduate school applications to job entry, re-entry, and other life transitions. All services are free to alumni up to six months after their graduation. After six months, limited fees are charged for some services to support your career development.
- Handshake - Electronic Job Database & Career Events Calendar
- 45-minute Career Planning Appointment ($20)
Fees may be paid online. A member of our staff will contact you following payment of fees to schedule your appointment.
Vault Campus - Vault provides in-depth intelligence on what it's really like to work in an industry, company or profession—and how to position yourself to land that job. Search current jobs and internships, research a company, school or industry, get the inside scoop on what it’s really like, and find the career advice you need to launch your career. Free registration when you sign up with your John Jay email.
Report A New Job
Please share your new job with us here. In addition to celebrating career achievements, this information also helps us identify successful recruiting practices so we can better serve students and employers.
Contact Us
You can contact the Career Learning Lab by emailing or calling (212) 237-8754. We look forward to hearing from you!