Identification Cards
The Public Safety Office, L2.61, is open for ID card issuance from 7:00am to 11:00pm, Monday through Thursday, and 7:00 am to 9:00 pm on Friday. To request an individual appointment during off-hours, please call (212) 237-8524.
To obtain an ID card:
Students must be registered for classes, meet the MMR requirements with the Health Office and have their vaccination record uploaded and approved on CUNYFirst unless they have been granted an exception/exemption per the CUNY policy regarding entry to the campus.
Newly hired faculty / staff must provide the HR clearance to begin work form and their CUNY EMPLID # before receiving an ID card.
To obtain an ID card and/or a validation sticker, students will be asked for confirmation of enrollment via CUNYfirst/Registrar, while faculty and staff must be verified by the Department of Human Resources.
The following picture shows two student IDs. The ID on the left requires a validation sticker every semester while the one on the right does not require a validation sticker:

If you lost your ID card, check with Public Safety to see if it was returned first before requesting a replacement ID card.
If the ID card is damaged or it has not been turned in to the Public Safety office, you can receive a replacement ID card for a fee of $10.00. Public Safety will verify and confirm your status, and issue you a receipt which you must bring to the Bursar’s Office to pay the fee and get it Bursar-stamped.
The Bursar’s Office is located at L.70 NB and is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:30pm and Fridays from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Payment is accepted in person in the form of cash, check, or money order. Credit cards are not accepted. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to “John Jay College.” Please state what the payment is for. Once payment has been made, you will receive a receipt with a Bursar stamp from the Bursar office. Please bring this receipt to the Public Safety office. A replacement ID card will not be issued without this receipt.
Please note that if you had your wallet stolen with your John Jay ID card in it, and are able to provide official NYPD documentation of the theft, the replacement fee will be waived.
Previously, students were required to submit a paper request in-person through Jay Express to have their name changed. Students now have access to change their "preferred names" online using CUNYFirst, which then automatically updates their names in class rosters.
Legal name change procedure
Students are required to submit legal documentation (marriage license, court order, divorce decree, etc.) to Jay Express. The student will then receive a referral to visit DOIT to change their name on their email address and Blackboard and to Public Safety to change the name on their student ID card.
Preferred name change procedure
A Student must first update their preferred names on CUNYFirst. Then they must go to Jay Express, who will give them a referral to:
-DOIT to change their name on their email address and Blackboard and to
-Public Safety to change the name on their student ID card.
Students are also informed that they should inform their Professor of the preferred name update, as the class roster will automatically be updated.
Please click here to view a sample referral form that students receive from Jay Express.
Click here to view step-by-step instructions to students to assist them in changing their names in CUNYFirst.
Department of Public Safety
524 West 59th Street
Room L2.61 NB
New York, NY 10019
Office: 212-237-8524