Benefits of LEAP
Welcome LEAPERS!
The LEAP (Linking Experience, Academics, & Practice) program provides students with customized major and career exploration, intensive academic advisement, and access to experiential learning opportunities such as internships, fellowships, research opportunities, community service, and campus-based leadership.
The greatest benefit of having a designated LEAP Advisor is having a main point of contact whenever you have questions. Below are common reasons to schedule an appointment with your LEAP Advisor:
- Class Recommendations
- Change of Major
- Adding a Minor
- Networking & Speaking with Professors
- Experiential Learning Opportunities
- Tutoring & other resources at John Jay
Meet with a LEAP Advisor

Experiential Learning Opportunities, such as internships, fellowships, and research opportunities are of how you can gain experience geared towards your career interest. A list of opportunities that Center for Career & Professional Development is highlighting can be found through John Jay Careers Online.
Instructions to view and apply:
- Create an account through John Jay Careers Online
- Click the Student/Alumni option
- New Users must click "Forgot Password", and a new password will be sent to your John Jay email
- If unable to log in, contact Careers assistance at 212-237-8754 or email at (subject line must include your full name and emplid)
Take your time reviewing all available opportunities and resources:
- Creating a Resume & Cover Letter
- Mock Interviewing
- Meeting with a Career Counselor
- RSVP for a future Workshop or Event
Being active increases your chance of an Experiential Learning Opportunity!
To maximize your college experience, build relationships and learn from those around you. Join a club, attend an event, and speak to your major department and professors during office hours. Don’t limit yourself to just the classroom. Below are some ideas on getting started.
1. OppNET: Informational modules to help you make the best of your time in college
- Passions, Values & Skills
- Goal Setting
- Intro to Networking
- Networking on Campus
2. Student Clubs: No matter your interest, you can find a club/organization that best suits you through the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership
3. Jay Chat: This series is a bimonthly virtual career networking experience for students to listen and speak with a John Jay Alumni. Our guest speakers range from FBI Agents, Court Judges, Homeland Security, Non-Profit Organization and Entrepreneurial Representatives. Email us at with the subject titled JAY CHAT to get on a waiting list.
4. Alumni Mentoring Program: This program, gives students the opportunity to network, gain practical knowledge for thriving in real-world situations, and enhance their skills to align with the current Nace Competencies by being mentored by a professional John Jay Alumni, possibly in your field of interest, for a semester.
Every month LEAP provides a newsletter highlighting key topics, resources, events, fun facts, and much more. Interested in sharing a story or good news, email us at with the subject titled LEAP NEWS.
- Follow Us on Instagram @JJCLEAP
- Check out this Month's Newsletter