John Jay Journals

Aside from the many scholarly works produced by John Jay faculty members, there are also several academic journals housed here at the College, including:

Studies in Gender and Sexuality is one of the leading journals in the transdisciplinary field of gender and sexuality studies. Situated at the interface of psychoanalysis and social/cultural theory, it aims to further our understanding of how we live, theorize, and transform genders and sexualities. Co-editor: Katie Gentile.

Trends in Organized Crime presents a composite of analyses and syntheses of research on organized crime, drawn from a variety of sources. It publishes peer-reviewed, original research articles and excerpts from significant governmental reports. The contents also include reviews of important new books and presents analysis and commentary on current issues in organized crime. Editor:Klaus von Lampe.

Law and Human Behavior is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of articles and discussions of issues arising from the relationships between human behavior and the law, the legal system, and the legal process. Editor:Margaret Bull Kovera, Department of Psychology.

Dialectical Anthropology is an international journal that seeks to invigorate discussion among left intellectuals by publishing peer-reviewed articles, editorials, letters, reports from the field, political exchanges, and book reviews that foster open debate through criticism, research and commentary from across the social sciences and humanities. Editor:Anthony Marcu, Department of Anthropology.

As an open access journal, Health & Justice aims for a broad reach, including researchers across many disciplines as well as justice practitioners (e.g. judges, prosecutors, defenders, probation officers, treatment providers, mental health and medical personnel working with justice-involved individuals, etc.). Editor: Lior Gideon, Department of Law and Police Science.

Open Anthropology is the first digital-only, public journal of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Editor: Alisse Waterson, Department of Anthropology.

Criminal Justice Ethics. Editor: Jonathan Jacobs, Department of Philosophy and Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics Director.

J Journal: New Writing on Justice examines its subject through creative work, directly and tangentially. J Journal, which comes out twice a year, is the country’s first to present its analyses of contemporary justice issues through creative, not scholarly work.  The short stories, poems, and personal narratives in each volume expand reflection on the question:  What is justice?  Editors: Adams Berlin and Jeffrey Heiman, Department of English.

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