SEEK Student Opportunities

SEEK Peer Mentor Program

The SEEK FLAGS PEER Mentor program support the goals, expectations, and mission of the SEEK Department from a PEER perspective.  

Mission Statement: 

The SEEK FLAGS Peer Mentors strive to support incoming freshmen, transfer students, and students on academic probation on a professional, academic, and personal level. In addition to helping them adjust to the college’s environment, we endeavor the goals and expectations of the Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Department. 

The Role of a Peer Mentor is: 

  • To serve as knowledgeable guide for new students. 
  • To be a thoughtful facilitator who provides access to people and resources. 
  • To act as a role model and advocate. 
  • To provide academic coaching and support. 
  • To serve as “peer” advisor on academic and personal matters. 
  • To represent SEEK on campus tours, at college and career fairs, community events, and other campus events. 

For more information you may contact Ms. Teleisha Stewart at  with the words SEEK PEER Mentoring Opportunity in the Subject Line. You may also inquire with them regarding the application process. 

To access and submit the SEEK Peer Mentor Application, please complete the form below and email it to Ms. Teleisha Stewart.

SEEK Peer Mentor Application

Please follow the SEEK FLAGS Peer Mentors’ Instagram page:



Honors and Awards

SEEK students are eligible for membership in the Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society and a number of awards given at the annual Commencement ceremony.

Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society

The Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society was founded by Dr. Elbert Saddler in 1989 at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. It was organized in response to an increased need to acknowledge the continuing success of students in the Academic Development Program. Dr. Saddler recognized that these students could serve as significant models to others who shared similar experiences.

In 2000, John Jay College was the first CUNY College to establish two chapters of Chi Alpha Epsilon, a national honor society whose purpose is to promote high academic standards and honor academic excellence among students admitted to colleges through nontraditional criteria. For more information please contact:

Dr. Schevaletta (Chevy) Alford   in the SEEK Department at

Selection Criteria:

  • Students may be elected to a chapter when they have completed two semesters of full-time, non-developmental work with at least a 3.0 Grade Point Average 
  • Students admitted to John Jay College  through the Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program.

SEEK Society

Club Mission Statement - The purpose of this organization is to promote community building among SEEK and non-SEEK students, alumni and professionals in the John Jay community. The SEEK Society will host events to provide opportunities for networking, cultural, educational, and professional development, as well as providing a forum for the exchange of information workshops for students at John Jay. 

For more information you may contact the Club at Social Media Channels - Instagram: jjayseeksociety: Facebook: SEEK Society At John Jay; Email:

SEEK Awards

Arthur C. Logan Award

This award is presented to the graduating senior who has persevered in the face of extreme adversity and has used his/her John Jay College experience to actively “give back” to the community. The counseling faculty selects the recipient.

John Jay SEEK Honor Awards

These awards are given to students who have a sophomore standing or above and who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better.

SEEK Medal

This award is presented to the graduating SEEK senior with the highest cumulative grade point average.

Carl Williams Service Award

The Carl A. Williams Student Service Award is awarded to a graduating senior who, like the late Carl A. Williams, has dedicated significant time and energy to being of service to others. Each year the recipient will be given a monetary award in Carl’s memory.

The Evelyn and Prince Whaley-Richardson Award 

The Evelyn and Prince Whaley Richardson Award presented to a graduating senior with a GPA of 3.5 or better who has been accepted into or applied to a graduate program (In the case of student who is applying the award is given once the student has been accepted). 

The Carmen Leonor Solis Racial and Social Justice Award

This award was established by the SEEK Alumni Association to honor SEEK undergraduate students who are committed and dedicated to continuing Dr. Solis’ legacy on championing for racial and social justice through scholarship and service. the awards are given to students who have 1. A current or graduating SEEK student who has demonstrated significant progress in overcoming educational hardships and who must have participated in the SEEK Department’s Academic Success initiatives (Probation) 2. A current or graduating full-time SEEK student who has participated in the SEEK Department’s Power or Future is Female groups and demonstrated service work encompassing racial and social justice advocacy.  

Requirements: Student should write a 300-word essay indicating how their participation in Academic Success and Academic support helped them achieve significant progress and maintain it or advanced further academically.     

Requirements: Student must write a 300-word essay discussing the service project and significance of advocating for racial and social justice. 


The Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Department
524 West 59th Street
432 Haaren Hall, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Contact: 212-237-8169
Fax: 212-237-8904