President Jeremy Travis Contributes to National Dialogue on Criminal Justice Reforms

With a growing bipartisan movement toward multifaceted criminal justice reform as well as recent changes to criminal justice policies across the United States, President Jeremy Travis has provided commentary on these important issues to a variety of media outlets. Most recently, he was interviewed by City & State about the calls for reforms to policing strategies, sentencing, solitary confinement policy, incarceration rates as well as improving police-community relations and working toward racial reconciliation in the “new era” of criminal justice.

In addition, President Travis is one of the contributors to the Brennan Center for Justice’s recent book Solutions: American Leaders Speak Out on Criminal Justice Reform which features essays by presidential candidates and other leaders about potential criminal justice reforms. His essay, titled A Culture Change, focuses on the problem of mass incarceration and its impact on the country.


The New York Times
What We Learned From German Prisons 
August 6, 2015  

USA Today 
Ellis Cose: Reform Criminal Justice Now 
August 3, 2015 

The New York Times Magazine 
“You Just Got Out of Prison. Now What?”  
July 19, 2015 

The Atlanta Black Star 
“With 1 in Every 10 Black Males Under 30 in Prison, We Need More Than Apologies from Bill Clinton” 
July 16, 2015

Interview with President Jeremy Travis on criminal justice reforms 
July 16. 2015 

The Urban Institute 
“In Search of a New Path: Can Holistic Prisoner Reentry Work on the West Side of Chicago?” 
July 2015 

CommonWealth Magazine 
“Rethinking tough-on-crime – Is Massachusetts ready to join the national reassessment of criminal justice policy?” 
July 2015

Rolling Stone 
“Why Isn't More Happening to Reduce America's Bloated Prison Population?” 
June 24, 2015 


Globo News “Sem Fronteiras”(Brazil) 
ONGs Denunciam Naus Tratos e Violações de Direitos Humanos em Presídios Brasileiros 
Translation: NGOs Denounce Abuse and Human Rights Violations in Brazilian Prisons (requires subscriber login) 
President Jeremy Travis discusses alternatives to mass incarceration as well as reentry and reintegration strategies with Brazil’s Globo News program, “Sem Fronteiras.” 
August 13, 2015

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