Building a Legal Career with David Pfeffer

A John Jay College education has proven to be a valuable springboard for David J. Pfeffer, who has built a thriving legal career as a partner and chair of the Construction Practice Group at Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP.

Pfeffer, who graduated in 1993 with a degree in Legal Studies, said John Jay, which is distinguished for its criminal justice programs and courses, was his first formal education in legal studies and “provided a foundation for my future studies.”

It is difficult—if not impossible—to pigeonhole Pfeffer’s career, and he readily admits that he loves “to be something different every day.”  The one constant from the very beginning is that Pfeffer has always been committed to helping others solve their problems and achieve their goals—not only in a court of law, but in everyday life. “I knew that my disposition was to help and protect people with legal issues” Pfeffer said. Enrolling in John Jay was the first step in realizing that vision, and ultimately paved the way for Pfeffer to go to law school at Hofstra and build the thriving legal practice that he now leads. By immersing himself in different professional fields and organizations, he has been able to assist his clients in a multitude of ways.

At Tarter Krinsky & Drogin, he focuses on the commercial real estate and construction industry, representing real estate owners, operators and developers, and helping them resolve disputes and achieve their business objectives. He also educates architects and engineers in legal liability, construction contracts and other professional issues. In addition to his professional legal affiliations, he is a member of the Economic Development Committee of the New York Building Congress.

Pfeffer finds his motivation for taking on a multitude of responsibilities from knowing that he is always staying productive, while simultaneously doing something positive for the community. “I like staying involved, and my education has provided me with an opportunity to help younger people and their careers,” Pfeffer said. He encourages young professionals to follow their passions and work hard to achieve their goals, both personal and professional, and is a prime example of someone who has done so with unrelenting dedication and perseverance.

Pfeffer will be taking his motivational efforts to another level in June, when he will be serving as chair of the second annual Alumni Golf Outing, to be held Thursday, June 16, at Dyker Beach Park and Golf Course in Brooklyn. For more information, contact Stephanie DiBrienza at, or 212-237-8579.