Ph.D. History University of Michigan (2011)
M.A. Russian and East European Studies University of Michigan (2005)
B.A. History, Philosophy University of Georgia (2003)
Dr. Raymond Patton is an Associate Professor of History and Faculty Director of the Honors Program and Macaulay Honors College at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. His scholarship examines the intersection of modern East European and global/transnational cultural history. In Punk Crisis: The Global Punk Rock Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2018), Patton examines the transfer of popular culture, aesthetics, and politics across the boundaries of the “first,” “second,” and “third” worlds, showing that transnational punk movements redefined the boundaries and political categories of the Cold War Era. In-Between Empire: Imperial Exceptionalism, Poland, and Colonial Travel Writing (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024) explores how Polish travel writers positioned themselves between colonizer and colonized in the Global South, constructing a Polish national identity in conversation with both imperial and anti-imperial currents, and influencing international discourse on colonialism and its legacy. In the field of scholarship on teaching, learning, and higher education, Patton has written on belonging in Honors education and integrating experiential learning with the Humanities. Patton has taught courses in modern World History, Global Revolutions, the Cold War, Nazi Germany, East European and Soviet History, Historiography, and interdisciplinary seminars on Music and Resistance, The Meaning of Life, Consumerism, and Technology and Culture. Prior to his current role, Patton served as Director of Educational Partnerships and General Education at John Jay College, and as a faculty member in the History Department at Drury University.
HIS 106: Historical Perspectives on Justice and Inequality (Origins of Global Inequality)
HIS 127: Microhistories: Nazi Germany
HIS 240: Historiography
HIST 104: Survey of Western Civilization II (since 1500)
HIST 109: Survey of World History II (since 1500)
HIST 230: Modern Europe
HIST 244: Russia and the Soviet Union
HIST 245: Europe in the 20th Century
HIST 258: Revolutions, 1789-1917 (Historical Methods and Writing Seminar)
HIST 334: Russia and the Eurasian Republics
HIST 380: Hitler and Stalin
HIST 385: Cold War Conflict and the Developing World
HNRS 202/HIST 381: The Holocaust (Honors)
HON 181/182: Honors Colloquium I and II
HON 385: Faculty Mentored Research (Honors at a Hispanic and Minority Serving Institutions)
HONS 201: What is the Common Good? (Honors)
ISP 255: Technology and Culture
Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Polish Studies Association
Popular Culture Association
American Historical Association
Patton, Raymond. In-Between Empire: Imperial Exceptionalism, Poland, and Colonial Travel Writing (Bloomsbury Publishing, forthcoming October 2024).
Patton, Raymond. Punk Crisis: The Global Punk Rock Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Peer Reviewed Articles, Book Chapters, and Reviews
Patton, Raymond. “Review of Socialism Goes Global: The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonization,” by James Mark et. al. Slavic Review 82, no. 4 (2023): 1038-1039.
Patton, Raymond. “Review of Culture from the Slums: Punk Rock in East and West Germany, by Jeff Hayton.” Slavic Review 82, no. 2 (2023): 520-522.
Patton, Raymond. “The ‘Vanishing Indian’ and the Vanishing Pole: From a Middle Ground to a Logic of Elimination in the European and Global Periphery, 1840-1880.” Slavic Review 81, no. 3 (Fall 2022), 609-630.
Patton, Raymond. “Review of Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context: Beyond the Borders, edited by Ewa Mazierska and Zsolt Gyori.” Slavic Review 80, no. 1 (2021): 156-157.
Patton, Raymond. “Review of Bloom, Jack, Seeing through the Eyes of the Polish Revolution: Solidarity and the Struggle Against Communism in Poland.” H-Poland, H-Net Reviews. April, 2015. https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=42476
Patton, Raymond. “The Communist Culture Industry: The Music Business in 1980s Poland,” Journal of Contemporary History 47, no. 2 (2012): 427-449.
Patton, Raymond. "Book Review: Polish Liberal Thought before 1918." European History Quarterly 37, no. 2 (2007): 337-339.
Conference Papers
Patton, Raymond. “Ksawery Pruszyński as an Intermediary between Colonizer and Colonized in Palestine.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 2023.
Patton, Raymond. “Between Metropole and Periphery: Poles and Colonialism in the Late 19th Century.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Online Conference, November 2021.
Patton, Raymond. “Emotional Regimes in Popular Leisure Music in the Cold War East (and West).” Paper presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, November 2020 (Conference held online due to COVID-19 pandemic).
Patton, Raymond. “Music and Emotion in the Cold War East and West.” Paper accepted for presentation at the Popular Culture Association National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 2020 (Paper accepted; Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic).
Patton, Raymond. “The Politics of the Politics of the Love Song.” Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association National Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2019.
Patton, Raymond. “One Framework, 19 Colleges, 4 Approaches: Strategies for Effective General Education.” Panel organized and presented at the AAC&U National Conference on General Education and Assessment, Philadelphia, PA, February 2018.
Patton, Raymond. “A Practical Approach to Transforming General Education through Integrative Learning.” Presented at the AAC&U National Conference on General Education and Assessment, New Orleans, LA, February 2016.
Patton, Raymond. “Beyond Rock and the State?: Polish Punk in Comparative Context, 1978-1989.” Paper presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 2014.
Patton, Raymond. “World Punk Crisis: East European Punk in Global Context, 1978-1989.” Paper presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 2013.
Patton, Raymond. "The Global Punk Crisis and the End of the Age of Three Worlds." Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association - American Culture Association National Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2013.
Patton, Raymond. "The Struggle over Punk in Communist Poland: Notes on Deconstructing "The Alternative." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago, IL, January 2012.