Mengia Tschalaer
H. Tschalaer
PhD Adjunct

2013             Ph.D. in Socio-cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2007             Lic. Phil. (equivalent to combined BA and MA) in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich, Switzerland           


Courses Taught

ANT 310                Culture and Personality

ANT 210                Sex and Culture

ANT 315                Systems of Law

ANT 330                Cultural American Pluralism and the Law 

POL 319                 Gender and the Law

LWS 225                 Research Methods in Law and Society

LWS 200                 Introduction to Law and Society                       

WMST 2150            Practicing Intersectionality: The interdisciplinary study of race, gender, and ethnicity (Barnard College, Columbia University)

WGS 244                Women’s and Gender Studies, Transnational Feminisms (Hunter College)

Professional Memberships

2021-         American Anthropological Association

2021-         European Anthropological Association

2019-         IMISCOE International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion Network

2018-         Migration and Mobilities Bristol (MMB)

2011-         Law and Society Association

German, English, French
Scholarly Work

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

2025          Tschalaer, M., Alexandra Xanthaki and Ermioni Xhantopoulou. Human Rights Risks of Migration Flow Predictions and Policy Implications Within the EU. Human Rights Quarterly (accepted)

2023          Saleh, F. and Mengia Tschalaer. Introduction to Special Issue: Queer Liberalism and Marginal Mobility. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 46(9), 1769-1790.

2023.         Tschalaer, M.  Queering migration temporalities: LGBTQI+ experiences with waiting within Germany’s asylum system. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(9),1833-1853. (Selected for the shortlist of eight articles for the Martin    Bulmer Prize for Article of the Year Award 2023)

2023          Tschalaer, M. Queer Motherhood in the Context of Legal Precarity: Experiences of Lesbian Mothers Seeking Asylum in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol 46(2), 233-253.

2022          Tschalaer, M. Queer Necropolitics: Experiences of LGBTQI+ Asylum Claimants During Covid-19 in the UK. Journal of Contemporary European Research. Vol 18(1), 115-132. 

2021          Tschalaer, M. Femininities and Victimhood in Black Lesbian Asylum Cases in Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol 47(15), 3531-3548.

2020          Tschalaer, M. Between Queer Liberalisms and Muslim Masculinities: The Assessment of Queer Muslim Asylum Quests in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol 43(7), 1265-1283.

2015          Tschalaer, Hong M. Muslim Women’s Rights Activists’ Visibility: Stretching the Gendered Boundaries of the Public Space in the City of Lucknow. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 11, 1-18.

2012          Tschalaer, Hong M. Competing Model–Nikahnamas: Muslim Women’s Spaces within the Legal Landscape in Lucknow. NAVEIÑ REET: Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research, 3, 65–80. 

2010          Tschalaer, Hong M. Women Entering the Legal Landscape: Negotiating Legal Gender Reforms in a ‘Tribal’ Women’s Forum in South Rajasthan, India. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 60, 41–70.


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

2025          Tschalaer, M. The recognition of lesbian refugee protection claims within the EU’s asylum regime. In: Yurdakul, Beaman, Mügge, Scuzzarello and Sunanta (eds.) Oxford University Press Handbook of Intersectional Approaches to Migration, Gender, and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (forthcoming/under contract)

2023          Tschalaer, M. “Social and cultural politics of resistance and empowerment”. In Martin Fotta, Cecilia McCallum and Silvia Posocco (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge: University Press (Cambridge Handbook in Anthropology), pp. 313–335. https://doi: 10.1017/9781108647410.015.


Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

2021          Tschalaer, M. Fighting for asylum, as a lesbian and as a mother. Beyond Trafficking and Slavery, openDemocracy. 8. December.

2021          Tschalaer, M. Report from the Field: The Recognition of Queer Asylum Claims in Germany. News From the Ninth Floor. Anthropology. Vol 4(1).

2021          Tschalaer. M. Queer liberalisms and marginal mobility – special issue and interview series. Migration Mobilities Bristol Blog. 7 April. 

2020          Tschalaer, M. The Recognition of Queer Asylum Claims in Germany. nccr-on the move Blog. 4. November. 

2020          Tschalaer, M. Experiences of Waiting for LGBTQI+ Asylum Claimants in Germany: A Form of State Control and Resistance. In: Maria Lis Baiochhi “Gender Politics in the Age of Patriarchal Authoritarianism”. Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 15. September.

2020          Tschalaer, M. 2020. Fehlender Schutz für Schwarze lesbische Geflüchtete. Tagesspiegel. 23. June.

2020          Tschalaer, M and Nina Held and Danijel Ćubelic. „Ich habe mich noch nie einsamer gefühlt“. Tagesspiegel. 30. March. (This article appeared in the print version of the Tagesspiegel under the title "Mein Leben ist eingefroren" on 6. April 2020.

2020          Tschalaer, Mengia, Nina Held and Danijel Ćubelić. Coronavirus exacerbates LGBTQI refugee isolation and trauma. In: Al Jazeera. 22 April.

2019          Tschalaer, M. LGBTQI+ Asylum Claimants Face Extreme Social Isolation in Germany. In: Beyond Trafficking and Slavery, openDemocracy. 26. November.

2019          Tschalaer, M. Denied Victimhood of Lesbian Asylum Seekers Racialized as Black in Germany. In Beyond Trafficking and Slavery, openDemocracy. 14. August.

2019          Held, N. and Mengia Tschalaer. Better Legal and Social Support Needed for LGBTQI+ People Seeking Asylum in Germany. Mobilities and Migration Bristol Blog. 31.October.  

2019          Tschalaer, M. Conforming to stereotypes to gain asylum in Germany. Mobilities and Migration Bristol Blog. 12. August. 


Policy Briefs

2023          Held, Nina and Mengia Tschalaer. The intersectionality of gender and sexuality in lesbian asylum applications: A guide to improving asylum practices regarding lesbian refugees in Germany. Federal Foundation Magnus Hirschfeld.

2023          Tschalaer, Mengia, Alexandra Xanthaki and Ermioni Xhantopoulou. Migration Flows Prediction Tools and Asylum Policy Commitments in Alignment with Human Rights. Brunel Law School.

2023          Danijel Cubelic, Marie-Luise Löffler and Mengia Tschalaer. An Intersectional Approach to the Istanbul Convention: Perspectives on the Protection of LBTQI Girls and Women in Germany. Federal Foundation Magnus Hirschfeld und the Gunda-Werner Institute for Feminism (Heinrich Böll Foundation), Berlin.

2021         Tschalaer, Mengia and Christopher Pullen. Equality in the UK Asylum Process. Written Evidence submitted to the UK Parliament Women's Select Committee.  Published on the UK Parliament Committees Website: 17. November 2021. 

2021          Tschalaer, Mengia. The Istanbul Convention and Queer Women Seeking Asylum. Policy Bristol.

2020          Tschalaer, Mengia. Covid-19 and Queer Asylum. Policy Brief. June 29. PolicyBristol.

2020          Tschalaer, Mengia. The Recognition of Black Lesbian Asylum Claims in Germany. PolicyBristol

2019          Held, Nina and Mengia Tschalaer. Queer Asylum in Germany. Better Visibility and Access to Legal and Social Support Needed for LGBTQI+ People Seeking Asylum. Policy Bristol.



2023           Samuel Hall and IOM. Mapping and research to strengthen protection and assistance measures for migrants with diverse SOGIESC. IOM, Geneva.

2022           Boland, C. and M. Tschalaer. ITFLOWS Gender Action Plan, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Brunel University London.

Honors and Awards

2023          Federal Foundation Magnus Hirschfeld. Small Research Grant (EUR 7,500)

2022          Mellon Transformative Learning in the Humanities Faculty Fellow, Transformative Learning in the Humanities, CUNY ($1,800)

2019          ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Grant. Grant Nr. ES/M500410/1 ($3717)

2018          Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship. Grant Agreement Nr. 793497. 1. September 2018 – 31. August 2020 (2 years, $202,011)

2012          Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship for Prospective Researchers (6 months, $32,250)

2008-12     University of Zurich Candoc Dissertation Fellowship. Grant Nr. 56650301 and 143439 1. August 2008 – 31. July 2012 (3 years, $151,056)

Research Summary

Mengia Tschalaer is a legal and social anthropologist whose work examines how Westernized conceptions of human rights affect the access to justice of minority groups at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality and religion. Between 2018 and 2020 she led an EU funded project which examined the experiences of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers with Muslim background within Germany’s asylum system. In her current work, she focuses on the intersectionality of gender and sexuality in asylum claims by queer refugee women. This study (2023-24) aims to generate new data related to the specific intersectional challenges lesbian and queer women face in the asylum process in Germany. As a Research Fellow at Brunel University London (2020-2023), Mengia Tschalaer coordinated the policy work and gender monitoring for the ITFLOWS project which had the purpose to provide migration predictions for humanitarian purposes. She has further consulted IOM and ORAM on issues of migration, gender, and sexuality. She is the author of "Muslim Women's Quest for Justice: Gender, Law, and Activism in India" (Cambridge University Press) and of various articles, chapters and policy reports on socio-legal resistance, gender, sexuality, migration/asylum, gender-based and sexualized violence and Islam. Mengia Tschalaer is the co-founder of the Queer European Asylum Network.