1998 PhD - Psychology, Law, and Policy, University of Arizona
1992 MA - University of Arizona
1989 JD - University of Arizona
1978 BA - Colgate University
Maureen O’Connor is the Executive Officer of the Doctoral Program in Psychology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and Professor and former Chair of the Psychology Department at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her research interests are in the intersection of psychology, gender, and law, and, in the use of scientific information and expert testimony in the legal system, particularly focused on gendered components of that process. She has been active in building the pedagogy development program for the doctoral program in Psychology, helps to support the Society for the Teaching of Psychology's Graduate Student Teaching Association (housed at the Graduate Center), and co-teaches the "Teaching of Psychology" course for the doctoral program. She is active in mentoring development, serving on the Leadership Collaborative for Nag's Heart, a feminist psychology organization and was the 2014 recipient of the New York State Psychological Association's Margaret Floy Washburn Mentoring award. She is a member of the bar in Arizona and Washington, D.C. She has held numerous governance positions in the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI/APA Division 9), including as President. She has served in numerous governance roles in the American Psychological Association, including its Policy and Planning Board, Council of Representatives, and Committee on Legal Issues. She is an APA and SPSSI Fellow, and long-time member of the American Psychology-Law Society.
O’Connor, M. (2015). SPSSI Presidential Address-Embodied social justice: Warm tea, flexed muscles, and enacting SPSSI’s mission. Journal of Social Issues, 71, 203-217.
Daftary-Kapur, T., O’Connor, M., & Mechanic, M. (2014). Gender intrusive questioning: A survey of expert witnesses. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 32, 180-194.
Daftary-Kapur, T., Penrod, S., O’Connor, M., & Wallace, B. (2014). Examining pretrial publicity in a shadow jury paradigm: Issues of slant, quantity, persistence, and generalizability. Law and Human Behavior, 38, 462-477.
Daftary-Kapur, T., Groscup, J., O'Connor, M., Cafforo, F., & Galietta, M. (2011). Measuring knowledge of the insanity defense: Scale Construction and Validation. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 29, 40-63.
Beiner, T.M., & O’Connor, M. (2007). When an individual finds herself to be the victim of sex discrimination (pp. 19-56). In F.J. Crosby, M.S. Stockdale & A.S. Ropp (Eds.). Sex Discrimination in the Workplace: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
O’Connor, M. (2007). Expert testimony in sexual harassment cases: Its scope, limits, and effectiveness (pp. 119-148). In M.Costanza, D., K.Pezdek, & D.Krauss (Eds.). Expert Psychological Testimony for the Courts.
O’Connor, M. (2006). What price knowledge? A response to Professor Hans’ inquiry into the ethics of invading the sanctity of the jury room (pp. 265 - 273). In J. Kleinig & J.P. Levine (Eds.). Jury Ethics: Juror Conduct and Jury Dynamics. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.