New School for Social Research, New York, NY - Ph.D. in Anthropology, 2001.
American University, Washington, DC - M.A. in Anthropology, 1995.
University of Maryland, College Park, MD - M.A. in Journalism, 1992.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN - B.A. in Communications with a minor in Anthropology, 1987.
Marni Finkelstein, Ph.D., is an adjunct professor in the anthropology department at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She has conducted research on substance abuse, homeless youth, children in foster care, and sexual assault victims. She was research associate on the NIDA-funded Heroin in the 21st Century Project, and the NIJ-funded Lower East Side Drug Trafficking project, both at John Jay College. She was also the Project Director of a CDC funded study on HIV prevention among homeless men in single occupancy residences for Montefiore Medical Center. She is the author of the book, With No Direction Home: Homeless Youth on the Road and in the Streets, which is based on her NIDA-funded ethnographic study on street youth on the Lower East Side. She has lived and worked in New York City for 20 years.
Finkelstein, M., & Tomas, D.M. (2014). The underprepared college student: How non-cognitive factors influence academic preparedness. Journal of Studies in Education 4(1). 59-76.
Finkelstein, M., Curtis, R., & Spunt, B. (2008). Nomadic Traveling Among Homeless Street Youth in Flynn, M., and Brotherton, D. (eds) Globalizing the Streets: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Youth, Social Control and Empowerment in the New Millennium. New York: Columbia University Press.
Finkelstein, M. (2004). With No Direction Home: Homeless Youth on the Road and In the Streets. Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
Conger, D., & Finkelstein, M. (2003). Foster care and school mobility: A review of the literature, sources of the problem, and possible solutions. Journal of Negro Education 72(1).
Finkelstein, M., Wamsley, M, & Currie, D. (2002). Kids Who Chronically AWOL from Foster Care: Why They Run, Where They Go, What Can be Done. New York: Vera Institute of Justice.
Finkelstein, M., Wamsley, M., & Miranda, D. (2002). What Keeps Children in Foster Care From Succeeding in School? Views of Early Adolescents and the Adults in Their Lives. New York: Vera Institute of Justice.
Finkelstein, M. (2001). Socialization to the Streets and Formation of Peer Networks Among Homeless Nomadic Street Kids. Presented at the Conference on Street Youth, Social Control, and Empowerment, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, May 2001.
Finkelstein, M. (2000). An Ethnography of Street Kids on New York’s Lower East Side. Presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 2000.
Finkelstein, M. (2000). Other Than That I Am Free: Youth Homelessness and Crime on the Lower East Side of New York City. Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of The American Society of Criminology, November 2000.
Finkelstein, M., & Zanot, E. (1993). A Longitudinal Content Analysis of Environmentally Related Advertisements in Consumer Magazines From 1996 Through 1991. Presented at the 1993 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications and the 1993 Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Popular Culture.
Adler, R., and Finkelstein, M. (1993). The Economic Value of Clean Water. Clean Water and the American Economy. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).