MA Haifa University , Israel
BA Haifa University , Israel
Dr. Lior Gideon is a Professor of Criminal Justice at the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology with minors in organizational studies, political science and mass communication; a Master’s in Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Justice Administration from Haifa University in Israel; and Ph.D. in Criminology in Law from the faculty of law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. His dissertation and consequent work deals incarcerated substance abusers, prison-base and community base drug treatment programs inside prison and social support networks outside prison. Dr. Gideon gained extensive field and research experience working with the Israeli Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority and The Israeli Prison System. He also gained valuable field experience in tracking and interviewing offenders and released prisoners. Prior to joining John Jay, Dr. Gideon completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship with the Bureau of Governmental Research at the University of Maryland College Park, where he worked as one of the leading analyst on a National Institute of Health (NIH/ NIDA) funded grant that examined the outcomes of a seamless intervention system in a multi-site study. Dr. Gideon has over seventeen years of teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate programs, both in Israel and in the United States, and more than 15 years of research experience both as a principle investigator and as an analyst. He was involved in several large-scale studies dealing with a prison based treatment program evaluation, detoxification and rehabilitation of ex-prisoners, and violence against medical staff in non-psychiatric hospitals in Israel. Currently, his research revolves around social support issues and the nexus between health and justice. He also served as the head of statistics and research in the Israeli Court Administration’s research department. Dr. Gideon was the recipient of an award from National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for his dedication to the field of methodology and services research. Currently he is engaged in comparative and international criminal justice research including: a needs-assessment for incarcerated female offenders; motivation assessment of jail inmates to enter and participate in jail-based treatment programs; and public opinion surveys on rehabilitation and reintegration of released offenders, and social support mechanisms in the reintegration process. Dr. Gideon’s research resulted in many peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and few books on correctional population, and in particular on Substance Abusing Offenders, “Rehabilitation, Reentry and Reintegration”, and “Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions”, as well as three books in the field of research and survey methodology. Most recently, Dr. Gideon became the co-chief editor for a Springer journal titled: Health & Justice (http://www.healthandjusticejournal.com/).
See attched CV
April, 2013: “PSC-CUNY AWARD for 2012-2013”: The office of sponsored programs and the office of advancement of research, CUNY ($6,000)
Nov. 2012, PSC-CUNY AWARD to develop a tool that will measure and examine social support, community cohesion, fear of crime and victimization, CUNY ($6,000).
Nov. 2011: John Jay College – Teaching Certificate of Appreciation by the Dean of graduate & professional studies for guidance and students encouragement.
Nov. 2009: John Jay College – Research Assistance Start-Up Fund ($5,000)
April, 2009: John Jay College – College Research Assistance Program ($2,000)
April, 2008: “PSC-CUNY AWARD for 2008-2009”: The office of sponsored programs and the office of advancement of research, CUNY ($3,000)
May, 2007: John Jay College – College Research Assistance Program ($1,000)
May, 2007: “PSC-CUNY AWARD for 2007-2008”: The office of sponsored programs and the office of advancement of research, CUNY ($6,000)
Jan. 2007: John Jay College – Faculty Development Grant ($1,600)
May, 2006: John Jay College – College Research Assistance Program ($1,000)
Oct. 2005: John Jay College – Teaching Certificate of Appreciation by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
May 2005: “PSC-CUNY AWARD for 2005-2006”: The office of sponsored programs and the office of advancement of research, CUNY ($3,700).
March 2003: “New Researcher in Services Intervention Award”: The National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ($1,000)
Jan. 2001: "Violence Against Medical and Non-Medical Personnel in HospitalEmergency Wards in Israel". (With Simha F. Landau) Funded by the Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research. ($150,000 for 4 years, given in NIS)Jan. 2001: The Sharon Treatment Program: A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Offenders’ Recidivism” (Stage 1, with David, L. Weisburd and Efrat Shoham), The Israeli Anti-Drug Authority ($100,000 for 2 years, given in NIS)
1999-2000: “Excellence in Teaching”: Rector Citation, Hebrew University.