1996 Ph.D., CUNY Graduate School, Psychology Program/Baruch College
My research interests focus on causal models and causal inference, test validity, statistical inference, and applications of latent variable modeling. I also have interests in discursive psychology, organizational culture, partner abuse, deception detection, language, logic, ethics, policing and jurisprudence. My research on causation emphasizes causal pluralism by exploring alternative causal interpretations linking statistical models to substantive explanations. My research on test validity articulates and clarifies unanswered questions in validity theory such as the roles of facts and values and the meaning of tests scores. I am coauthor with Denny Borsboom of "Frontiers in Test Validity Theory: Measurement, Causation, and Meaning." My research on statistical inference seeks to inform research practice through better understanding of inductive inference. My collaborative research includes research on partner abuse with Chtira Raghavan and Katie Gentile, the development of deception with Angela Crossman and Victoria Talwar, sex offender treatment with Elizabeth Jeglic and Cynthia Calkins Mercado, severe mental illness with Phil Yanos, and deception detection with Martha Davis. I have previously served as associate editor of Psychological Methods and as associate editor of Structural Equation Modeling. A copy of my CV can be found on my web page.