1986 PhD Rutgers University
1981 MA Rollins College
1979 BA St. Leo College
Dennis Jay Kenney has more than 35 years of experience in varied aspects of criminal justice – as a Florida police officer; a director of research and planning in Savannah, Georgia; a project director for the Police Foundation; a university professor at both the Western Connecticut State University and the University of Nebraska at Omaha; and as an Associate Director and Director of Research for the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). He is the author or co-author of numerous articles and books including Police Pursuits: What We Know (2000), A Conflict of Rights (1999), Crime in the Schools (1998), Organized Crime in America (1995), and Crime, Fear and the New York City Subways (1986). Additionally, Dr. Kenney consults regularly to numerous police agencies, has managed sponsored research and technical assistance projects, and is past editor of the American Journal of Police and current editor of Police Quarterly. Dr. Kenney has recently completed complex projects including nationwide surveys of citizens and police in both Yemen and Albania, an evaluation of U.S. sponsored training of police in Ukraine, and a multi-year, multi-city study of abortion related conflict and violence from the public safety perspective (Kaiser Family Foundation). In addition, he recently completed an evaluation of the Houston Police “Investigative First Responder” effort as well as a multi-city study of police diversity issues. Meanwhile, for the past several years Dr. Kenney has led a team of researchers conducting evaluations of school-based efforts to combat organized crime and corruption now underway in Mexico, the Republic of Georgia, Peru, Colombia and El Salvador. Most recently, he has received funding to develop methods of professional transformation for police managers in Colombia as well as the newly formed national police in Mexico. Dr. Kenney holds a Ph.D. in criminal justice from Rutgers University.