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636.16 Haaren Hall

Ph.D. University of Cincinnati
M.A. Indiana State University
B.S. Indiana State University


Deborah (Debi) Koetzle is Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Director of The Corrections Lab.  She received her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati in 2006 and is a research fellow with the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute. Her research interests center around effective correctional interventions, with a focus on problem-solving courts, risk/need assessment, probation practices, reentry, and cross-cultural comparisons of correctional practices and policies, including whether and how evidence-based practices transfer across cultures. She has secured nearly $10 million in external funding to support her research, including awards from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement. Current and recent projects include a survey of incarcerated individuals in Central America on their experience with the rule of law and life in prison, an analysis of the relationship between youth comprehension of probation conditions and success, and a multi-site study of the Organizational Coaching Model and its impact on revocations.  She has over 20 years of experience designing and delivering training curricula related to correctional interventions for community and prison-based settings and is a certified master trainer on multiple risk/need assessments. She has provided technical assistance to local, state, and federal agencies including the United States Administrative Office of the Courts, the Bahamas Department of Rehabilitative and Welfare Services, the Turks & Caicos Department of Rehabilitation and Community Services, and the Singapore Prison System., Her research has appeared in Justice Quarterly, the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, and other scholarly outlets.  She is editor of Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System and author of What Works (and Doesn’t) in Reducing Recidivism, 2nd edition. 

JJC Affiliations
Criminal Justice PhD Program; Criminal Justice MA Program
Professional Memberships

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

American Probation and Parole Assocation

American Society of Criminology

European Society of Criminology

International Corrections & Prisons Association


Scholarly Work

Latessa, E. J., Listwan, S. J. & Koetzle, D. (2020). What works (and doesn’t) in reducing recidivism, 2nd edition. New York:Routledge.   

Schwalbe, C.T., Lea, C., Edwards, K., & Koetzle, D. (2024). Associations of racial equity training, policies, and practices with routine supervision strategies in community corrections. Criminal Justice and Behavior. OnlineFirst.

Galleguillos, S., Schwalbe, C., & Koetzle, D. (2023). Building accountability and client-officer relationships through videoconferencing: Exploring best practices for community corrections. European Journal of Probation. 15(2); 97-119.

Guastaferro, W.P., Koetzle, D.,  Lutgen, L., & Teasdale, B. (2022). Opioid use disorder and criminal justice: Predicting the use of OAT within a justice involved population. Substance Use and Misuse.

Koetzle, D. & Matthews, B. (2020). Social capital: The forgotten responsivity factor. European Journal of Probation, 12(3), 219-237.

Mellow, J., Koetzle, D.  & Vazquez, L.  (2019). Assessing Criminological Technical Teams to reduce overcrowding in Salvadoran prisons.  Revista de la Maestría en Administración Pública, 2, 203-232.



Honors and Awards

2022 Marguerite Q. Warren and Ted B. Palmer Differential Intervention Award, American Society of Criminology

2020 Visiting Researcher, University of Chile

2019 Honorary Scholar, University of Melbourne

2018 City & State Above and Beyond Award for Outstand Women in Education 

2014 Mid-Career Research Award, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research Summary

My research interests center around correctional rehabilitation with an emphasis on evaluating and improving program policy and practice to improve the outcomes of individuals under correctional supervision, both in the US and internationally. Current projects include:

  • Rethinking Revocations. A 5-year study funded by the National Institute of Justice, we are implementing and evaluating the Organizational Coaching Model in three community supervision sites to assess the model's impact on culture and outcomes.
  • Improving Care of Trans People under Correctional Supervision. This project, funded by the National Institute of Corrections, is designed to assess the current state of policy and legislation, engage subject matter experts to identify best practices, and to offer meaningful recommendations to the field.
  • Drug Court-Treatment, Risk Assessment, and Quality (DC-TRAQ). A multi-phase and multi-site project funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance funded to improve our understanding of the role that target population, treatment quality, and collaborative case management play in drug court outcomes.
  • Racial Equity and Community Corrections. Using a sample of 30 probation and parole officers, we are exploring perceptions of racial equity and how this understanding influences correctional practice.