2006 PhD Criminology |
University of Cambridge, England University of Cambridge, England Worcester State College, MA |

David A. Green earned his PhD at the University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology. He was a Junior Research Fellow at Christ Church, University of Oxford, before coming to John Jay College in 2008. His main research interests involve the interrelationship between crime, media, public opinion, punishment, and politics, often in a comparative perspective. His first book, When Children Kill Children: Penal Populism and Political Culture, was published by Oxford University Press in 2008 in its Clarendon Studies in Criminology series. It received the 2009 British Society of Criminology Book Prize and was reissued in paperback in 2012. Dr. Green won the 2007 European Society of Criminology's Young Criminologist Award for his first published article and was selected as a Straus Fellow at New York University Law School’s Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law & Justice for the 2010-11 academic year. He is currently working on projects related to public and state punitiveness; America's changing penal climate; the bipartisan evolution and significance of the Second Chance Act of 2007; and the moral framing of criminal justice reform. His work appears in The British Journal of Criminology, Crime and Justice, Crime, Media, Culture, Dialectical Anthropology, European Journal of Criminology, The Good Society, Punishment & Society, Sociology Compass, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, and Youth Justice. He is an editor of The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice and an associate editor of Crime, Media, Culture.
SOC 104 Tabloid Justice: Causes and Consequences of Crime Sensationalism
SOC 203 Criminology
SOC 222 Crime, Media, and Public Opinion
SOC 301 Penology
SOC 440 Senior Seminar in Criminology
Books & edited volumes
Tubex, H. and Green, D.A. (Eds.) (2015). Special issue: Punishment, values, and local cultures. Punishment & Society, 17(3).
Green, D.A. (2008). When children kill children: Penal populism and political culture. Clarendon studies in criminology series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2012 paperback edition)
*2009 British Society of Criminology Book Prize
Peer-reviewed journal articles
**denotes student author
Green, D.A. (2016). A funny thing happened on the way to mass subjugation: Propensity, opportunity, and irony in two accounts of the crime decline. Dialectical Anthropology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10624-016-9438-1
**Parkin, W.S. and Green, D.A. (2016). Terrorism in the news: The efficiency and impact of sampling methods on data collection and content analysis. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(7-8), 668-686.
Green, D.A. (2015). US penal-reform catalysts, drivers, and prospects. Punishment & Society, 17(3), 271-298.
Tubex, H. and Green, D.A. (2015). Special issue editorial: Punishment, values, and local cultures. Punishment & Society, 17(3), 267-270.
Kupchik, A., Green, D.A., and **Mowen, T. (2015). School punishment in the US and England: Divergent frames and responses. Youth Justice, 15(1), 3-22.
Green, D.A. (2014). Penal populism and the folly of “doing good by stealth.” Special issue: Democratic theory and mass incarceration, The Good Society, 23(1), 73-86.
Green, D.A. (2013). Penal optimism and second chances: The legacies of American Protestantism and the prospects for penal reform. Punishment & Society, 15(2), 123-146.
Green, D.A. (2012). Punitiveness and political culture. Sociology Compass, 6(5), 365-375.
Green, D.A. (2009). Feeding wolves: Punitiveness and culture. European Journal of Criminology, 6(6), 517-536.
Green, D.A. (2008). Suitable vehicles: Framing blame and justice when children kill a child. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 4(2), 197-220.
Green, D.A. (2007). Comparing penal cultures: Two responses to child-on-child homicide. Crime and Justice – A Review of Research, 36, 591-643.
Green, D.A. (2006). Public opinion versus public judgment about crime: Correcting the “comedy of errors.” British Journal of Criminology, 46(1), 131-154.
*2007 European Society of Criminology Young Criminologist Award
Invited book chapters
Green, D.A. (2016). Penal populism and the folly of “doing good by stealth”. In A. Dzur, I. Loader and R. Sparks (Eds.) Democratic theory and mass incarceration. Studies in penal theory and philosophy series (pp. 187-212). New York: Oxford University Press.
Green, D.A. (2015). The re-humanization of the incarcerated Other: Bureaucracy, distantiation, and American mass incarceration. In A. Eriksson (Ed.) Punishing the Other: The social production of immorality revisited (pp. 87-130). London: Routledge.
Green, D.A. (2011). Media, crime and Nordic exceptionalism: The limits of convergence. In T. Ugelvik and J. Dullum (Eds.) Penal exceptionalism? Nordic prison policy and practice (pp. 58-75). London: Routledge.
Green, D.A. (2008). Political culture and incentives to penal populism. In H. Kury (Ed.). Fear of crime – punitivity: New developments in theory and research (pp. 251-176). Bochum, Germany: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer.
Tonry, M. and D.A. Green (2003). Criminology and public policy in the USA and UK. In L. Zedner and A. Ashworth (Eds.). The criminological foundations of penal policy – Essays in honour of Roger Hood (pp. 485-525). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Green, D.A. (2003). “Justice for all”: Cambridge conference discussions. In M. Tonry (Ed.). Confronting crime: Crime control policy under New Labour (pp. 224-239). Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan.
Green, D.A. (2002). Cropwood 26th round table conference: Sentencing policies and possibilities in Britain – Summary of discussions. In S. Rex and M. Tonry (Eds.). Reform and punishment: The future of sentencing (pp. 217-228). Cullompton, Devon, UK: Willan.
Book reviews
Green, D.A. (2018). Angola prison seminary: The effects of faith-based ministry on identity transformation, desistance, and rehabilitation by M. Hallett, J. Hays, B.R. Johnson, S.J. Jang, and G. Duwe. Punishment & Society, DOI: 10.1177/1462474518791548.
Green, D.A. (2017). Savage portrayals: Race, media, and the Central Park jogger story by N.P. Byfield. Contemporary Sociology, 46(1), 44-46.
Green, D.A. (2012). Second wounds: Victims’ rights and the media in the U.S. by C.A. Rentschler. Law & Society Review, 46(2): 454-456.
Green, D.A. (2010). The politics of imprisonment: How the democratic process shapes the way America punishes offenders by V. Barker. American Journal of Sociology, 116(2), 672-674.
Green, D.A. (2009). Crime, culture and the media by E. Carrabine. Cultural Sociology, 3(2), 333-335.
Green, D.A. (2009). Restorative justice, self-interest and responsible citizenship by L. Walgrave. CHOICE, May.
Green, D.A. (2008). After the war on crime: Race, democracy, and a new reconstruction by M.L. Frampton, I.H. López and J. Simon. CHOICE, December.
Green, D.A. (2007). Youth crime and justice: Critical issues by B. Goldson and J. Muncie and Comparative youth justice: Critical issues by J. Muncie and B. Goldson. Punishment & Society, 9(4), 433-435.
Green, D.A. (2006). Devils and angels: Youth policy and crime by J. Fionda. British Society of Criminology Newsletter, July.
Green, D.A. (2005). Cruel and unusual: Punishment and US culture by B. Jarvis. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(2), 222-224.