Bachelor of Science (1997) - CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Master of Arts (2000) - CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Advanced Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Sciences (2005) - CUNY Lehman College
Masters of Philosophy (2010) - CUNY Graduate Center
Doctorate of Philosophy (2012) - CUNY Graduate Center
Christopher Herrmann is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law & Police Science at CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice (NYC). He earned his Ph.D. at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City – specializing in crime analysis and crime mapping. Dr. Herrmann is a former Crime Analyst Supervisor with the New York City Police Department where he supervised Citywide Shooting and Homicide analsyes, crime prevention and control strategies, officer and resource allocation, and research of longitudinal crime trends throughout New York City. His current research interests include the study of crime at micro-levels using GIS and spatiotemporal relationships between businesses, neighborhood socioeconomic factors, and crime. He is currently working on violence prevention initiatives with several research teams at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, concentrating on gun violence, homicide, and carjacking.
(Book) Policing Crises Situations
M.R. Haberfeld, Michelle Chmielev, and Christopher Herrmann.
Springer Briefs in Criminology. Published, Winter 2022.
Pandemic Restrictions and Spatiotemporal Crime Patterns in New York, São Paulo, and Stockholm. Ceccato, V., Kahn, T., Herrmann, C., Ostlund, A. (Published online 10/2021, in-print 01/2022). Special Issue on Brazilian Criminology in the 21st Century. Journal Of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Sage.
(Book) Micro-Place Homicide Patterns in Chicago (1965 – 2017)
Andrew P. Wheeler, Christopher R. Herrmann, and Richard L. Block
Springer Briefs in Criminology, January 2021.
Subway Station Closures and Robbery Hot Spots in New York City – Understanding Mobility Factors and Crime Reduction. Herrmann, C.R., Maroko, A.R., and Taniguchi, T. Special Journal Issue on Transit Crime. European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research, December, 2020.
The Dynamics of Robbery and Violence Crime Hot Spots
Special Journal Issue – Spatiotemporal Patterns of Crime: The Dynamics of Shifting Crime Risk in Urban Areas. Herrmann, C.R. Crime Science 2015, 4:33. October, 2015.
Crime, Transportation and Malignant Mixes
Ward Adams, Christopher Herrmann, and Marcus Felson.
Book Chapter in Safety and Security in Transit Environments, pp 181-195, December, 2014. Part of the series Crime Prevention and Security Management. Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
Street-Level Spatiotemporal Crime Analysis: Examples from Bronx County, NY (2006–2010).
Herrmann, Christopher R. (2013). in Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies Series. Ed. Leitner, M. Springer Netherlands, ISBN: 978-94-007-4996-2
The Elusive Relationship between Community Organizations and Crime
Criminology, 51: 167-216. February, 2013. Slocum, L., Rengifo, A., Choi, T, and Herrmann, C.
Signs of Order and Disorder in the South Bronx
Manuscript included in the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime – Global Study on Homicide (2011) report. Rengifo, A.; Slocum, L.; and Herrmann, C.
Mapping Population Distribution in the Urban Environment: The Cadastral-based Expert
Dasymetric System (CEDS), 2007 US National Report to the International Cartographic Association,
Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2007, pp. 77-102
Mapping Auto Theft in the Bronx
Book Chapter in Space, Time, & Crime (Lersch, Carolina Academic Press, 2007)
Crime Pattern Analysis: Exploring Bronx Auto Theft using GIS
Book Chapter in ‘GIS for the Urban Environment’ (Maantay, ESRI Press, 2007)
Diffusion of Heroin in Small and Mid-Sized Cities in New York State
Journal of Addiction, Volume 99, Issue 4 (April, 2004)
By R. Terry Furst, Christopher Herrmann, Ray Leung, John Galea, and Kirsten Hunt.