Paul Bartlett is in the Environmental Justice Program (EJS). EJS is a transdisciplinary program and not in a department, so for JJay bios is listed in Interdisciplinary Studies Department as the closest identity. The Department of English is kindly handling EJS faculty paperwork for HR.
Saint Peter's University, Ed.D (ABD) Jersey City, NJ. Coursework investigations: Sustainability in higher education. Research: Epistemic cognition of ecosystem science in communities of practice and the ethic of care.
Barry Commoner Center for Health & the Environment, (formerly Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, CBNS), Queens College, CUNY, NY. Modeling. Applied Environmental Science, Economics & Policy. Service to contaminated communities. Barry Commoner, Director.
New School for Social Research, M.A. New York, NY. Economics with Anthropology Minor: Political Economy, Labor, Urban Regional, Public Finance, Econometrics. Thesis Advisors: David M. Gordon and Janet Abu-Lughod. Influences: Heinz Kurz, Anwar Shaikh, Edward Nell, Willi Semmler, Duncan Foley, Ross Thompsen, Gita Sen, Joel Kovel, William Roseberry, Stanley Diamond.
Graduate Center, CUNY. (Non-matriculated PhD courses). Econometrics and financial engineering, Salih Neftçi, professor.
University of Minnesota, B.E.S. Twin Cities, MN. Chemistry, Economics, Business & Anthropology. Influences: Edward Leete, Organic Chemistry; Walter Heller, Macroeconomics; Thomas R. Sargent, Empirical Applied Economics, Econometrics; Mischa Penn, Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Science.
American Meteorological Society, Education Department, Washington, DC. Climate Studies (Washington DC) and Ice Core Science (National Ice Core Laboratory, Denver, Colorado) in Higher Education Workshops. Competitive grants funded by NOAA, NASA, NSF, Second Nature, & Lockheed Martin.
Paul Bartlett teaches Earth Justice, Sustainability Environmental Science, Climate Science, and Statistics at John Jay College, City College of NY, and Fordham University. Prof. Bartlett is engaged in international collaborative research on environmental persistent toxics and sustainability across the curriculum in higher education.
Paul Bartlett began his environmental justice career serving contaminated (local, indigenous, regional, and global) communities as an environmental scientist and ecological economist working for noted pioneering ecologist and scientist-activist Barry Commoner founder and director of the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at Queens College (presently named the Commoner Center for Health and the Environment). Video, The Last Word, Barry Commoner, NY Times.
For New York, Paul Bartlett conducted research on NYC intensive recycling and economic development, dioxin pollution prevention and contamination of the Great Lakes, PCB air emission and fallout from the Hudson River, atrazine pesticide emission and fallout in the NYC water supply watershed, and technical support for first responders, workers and residents exposed to the 911 WTC toxics.
Prior to arriving at John Jay College, Paul Bartlett was a guest lecturer at the Arctic University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) Norway, a consultant to the Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC) Mexico and North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC/CCA/CCE) and a member of the POPs expert working group of the United Nations (UNECE-EMEP) Task Force of Modeling and Measurements (TFMM) and Task Force on Hemispheric Air Pollutants (HTAP).
Paul Bartlett is a lead chapter author in the recent Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern Assessment for the intergovernmental Arctic Monitoring Asessment Programme (AMAP) a working group of the Arctic Council consisting of the eight Arctic states and six indigenous organizations. (Updated in Emerging Contaminants Vol. 5 2019, Elsevier, Open Access.) Presently Prof. Bartlett is a participant of the AMAP's POPs/EC expert working group assessing POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern: Climate Impacts (Summary for Policy Makers 5/21/21). Paul Bartlett was appointed in February 2019 to the scientific committee of the new Polar Academy of Harbin Institute of Technology China to train students in polar research and foster international research collaborations.
In the field of environmental education, Paul Bartlett is a lead author of a chapter in the book The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Institutions of Higher Education: Concepts, cases and good practices, ed. by Godwell Nhamo and Vuyo Mjimba published by Springer Nature 2020 (print and ebook) which is based on presentations at the International Conference on Sustainable Development (IC-SD) organized by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN) in fall of 2018 at Columbia University. Paul Bartlett is part of a Saint Peter's University research working group using a meta-cognition approach to public engagement with environmental science and educational socio-scientific inquiry, reasoning, and pedagogy (Ruppert, Bartlett & Infante, Science Education, 2023)
University Affiliations (Present)
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Environmental Justice & Sustainability Program (2017-Present).
EJS is a transdisciplinary program and not located within a department. For JJay faculty bios the webpage is listed in Interdisciplinary Studies and the English Department graciously administers the program.
Economics Dept (2016-2021)
Teaching Learning Center Fellow: Environmental & Climate Justice Project-Based Learning (2019-2020)
City College of New York, CUNY. (2023)
Sustainability in the Urban Environment MSc Grad Program
Colin Powell School of Public Affairs.
Fordham University, Lincoln Center, NYC
Natural Sciences & Economics Departments
(2015-Present). pbartlett@fordham.edu
Recent Past Affiliation
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
Polar Academy Scientific Committee (2019-2022)
International Arctic School (July 2021)
Future proposed collaborations pending funding and approvals (2024+).
Environmental Science Department (Yifan Li Chair & Chief Scientist)
Harbin, China.
Recent Talks and Presentations (August-2018 - 2023).
Paul Bartlett. (F23-Sp24 pending). Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives Across the Curriculum. Seminar and Webinars. Pending Approval. Teaching and Learning Center. John Jay College, CUNY. Facilitator and Co-organizer with Gina Foster, Director.
Paul Bartlett. (2023). POPs Fires Intercomparison Modeling: Potential Models & Discussion of Approaches and Requirements. HTAP Fires White Paper Meeting. Task Force on the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants. UN Convention on the Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants. June 29.
Paul Bartlett, Ali Syed, Francisco Delgado. (2023). Indigenous Knowledge & Perspective: Environmental/Climate Justice and Sustainability. Facilitated Workshop. Faculty Development Day (FDD). Teaching & Learning Center. John Jay College. City University of New York. January 24.
Paul Bartlett, Kristen Treglia, Shea Rose, and John Ruppert. (2022). Wikipedia Edu: Bringing Environmental Justice and Climate Literacy Beyond the Classroom Walls. 11th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC): Building Bridges in Times of Climate
Urgency, Prague, Czech Republic. March 14-18.
Grant Wilson, Paul Bartlett, Milena Popov. (2021). Earth Law and the Rights of Nature: A New Generation of Laws Built for Nature. Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE), Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). On-Demand presentation with companion web page with educational resources. October 12-14.
Hayley Hung & Derek Muir (Environment & Climate Change Canada); Paul Bartlett. (2021). Long-range transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Chemicals Of Emerging Arctic Concern: Temporal Trends, Screening, and Modelling. NOAA in Alaska & the Arctic Series. NOAA Science Seminars. Webinar. Slides. MP4 Recording. September 27. Public Access.
Bartlett, Paul. (2021). POPS/CEC LRT: Knowledge Gaps & Cooperative Research Opportunities. Two Lectures. POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs) in the Arctic under Climate Change, International Arctic School (IAS), Summer 2021, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. July 12-25. Free for undergrad students with approved applications. 18:30-20:15 July 21, 2021, Wednesday http://uarctictc.hit.edu.cn/international/2021/0601/c11682a255070/page.htm
Grant Wilson, Lindsey Kayman, Paul Bartlett, Milena Popov. (2021). Earth Law: Rights of Nature. CUNY Conference on Climate Change for Education C4E. Poster with hyperlinks and companion web page with educational resources. April 22-23.
Paul Bartlett, Milena Popov, Stephen Pekar. (2021). Learning from Polar Observations: Sea Level Rise, Forever Chemicals, Indigenous Knowledge. CUNY Conference on Climate Change for Education C4E. Poster with hyperlinks and companion web page with educational resources and videos. April 22-23.
Paul Bartlett and Alexey Gusev. (2021). Global Long-range Transport of POPs & Emerging Contaminants: Modeling & Processes. Workshop on POP’s Trends and Source Attribution. UN Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (HTAP).
Paul Bartlett, Kristine Treglia. (2020). Wikipedia Edu: Taking Environmental Justice Beyond the Classroom Walls. International Conference on Sustainable Development, Co-Sponsor UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Earth Institute, Columbia University. Septermaber 21-22. https://ic-sd.org/ (Virtual, online free with registration.)
Milena Popov, Mary Ting, Karen Malpede, Paul Bartlett. (2020). Pandemic student experience as a foundation for engagement with sustainability and solutions. International Conference on Sustainable Development, Co-Sponsor UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Earth Institute, Columbia University. September 21-22. https://ic-sd.org/ (Virtual, online free with registration.)
Paul Bartlett, Luis Matias Barajas Saldaña, Sergio Gallegos Ordorica, Crystal Endsley, Skye Roper Moses, Maria Victoria Pérez-Ríos, Marta-Laura Suska (2020). Project-Based Learning with Climate Justice and Environmental Justice Across the Curriculum. Faculty Development Day. John Jay College. August 25. Based on monthly Faculty Development Seminar lead by Paul Bartlett, Teaching and Learning Center Fellow, September 2019 - June 2020.
Malina Popov, Mary Ting, Karen Malpede, Paul Bartlett. (2020). Teaching Sustainability, Resilience, and Environmental Justice Based on Pandemic Student Experiences. Faculty Development Day. John Jay College. August 25.
Katrin Vorkamp, Derek Muir, Cynthia de Wit, Paul Bartlett, Katrine Borgå, Pernilla Carlsson, Crispin Halsall, Hayley Hung, Melissa McKinney, Matthew McLeod and Simon Wilson. (2020). How does climate change affect contaminants in the Arctic? First results from a new AMAP assessment. European Conference of Society for Ecotoxicology and Chemistry (SETAC SciCon). Dublin, Ireland. May.
Paul Bartlett, Carrie Friedman (Maine Maritime Academy), Ramon Guardans (MARM, Spain), Alexey Gusev (Meteorological Synthesizing Centre East, EMEP); Jamie Kelly (MIT), Yifan Li (Harbin IT), Jianmin Ma (Peking University), Marilena Muntean (European Commission Joint Research Centre), Noelle Selin (MIT), Shu Tao (Peking University). (2019). POPs/EC Long Range Transport & Emission Uncertainties: Opportunities for Inter-comparison Modeling Collaborations (poster) in session Stockholm Convention on POPs: Progress in Monitoring, Research, and Risk Assessment of Legacy and Emerging Chemicals. North America Conference of Society for Ecotoxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Toronto, Canada. Nov. 4. https://toronto.setac.org/ [Contact pbartlett@fordham.edu if interested in participating in intercomparison modeling experiments.]
Mary Ting, Paul Bartlett, Nicholas Preda, & Lizbeth Rossi. (2019). The Climate Crisis: All Sectors Impacted. Track: Inspiring Student-Centered Scholarship and Creativity. Faculty Development Day, John Jay College, CUNY. August 26.
Paul Bartlett. (2019). Emerging Contaminants: Eco-Political Institutional Failure, Challenges, & Initiatives. Bridging Communities and Ecosystems. Ecology Society of America (ESA) & United States Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) joint conference. Louisville, Kentucky. August 11-16. https://esa.org/louisville/
Paul Bartlett Milena Popov, & John Ruppert. (2019). Eco-literacy Workshops for Non-Faculty Staff: An Ethic of Care and Domain Based Moral Education Approach. Flash talk. Engaging Economies for Change Conference of the Canadian Society for Economics and Ecology (CANSEE). Waterloo. May 22-24. http://waterloo2019.cansee.ca/
Paul Bartlett & Alexey Gusev. (2019). POPs/CEACs & Arctic Climate Change: Four Modelling Areas for Assessment. Workshop. POPs Expert Working Group. Arctic Monitoring Assessment Program. Stockholm University, Sweden. April 8-10.
John Ruppert, Masiel Infante, and Paul Bartlett. (2019). Applying the AIM SSR framework - a pedagogical model for SSI based on authentic civic engagement. NARST Annual International Conference: Creating and Sustaining Colletive Activism through Science and Education Research, Baltimore, MD. March 31 - April 3. [SSR: Socio-Scientific Reasoning. SSI: Socio-Scientific Issues.]
Paul Bartlett. (2019). Emerging Contaminants: Economic Political Ecology Challenges & Opportunities. Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings. New York, NY. March 2
Paul Bartlett. (2019). Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern: Institutional Failure and Opportunities for International Collaboration. Polar Academy, Harbin Institute for Technology (HIT), Harbin, China. February 28.
Paul Bartlett and Daniel Auld. (2019). Team Project Based Learning, Guided Inquiry with ePortfolio: How to & Lessons Learned. Faculty Development Day. John Jay College, CUNY. January 24th.
Mark Hermanson and Paul Bartlett. (2018). 'New' unintentionally produced PCB in the Arctic, in "Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concerned" session chaired by Robert Lechter. Society for Eco-Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) of North America Conference. Sacramento, CA. November 6th.
Paul Bartlett, John Ruppert (Saint Peter's University), Lindsey Kaymen, & Theres Konrad (Leughana University of Lüneburg). (2018). Sustainability Competencies, SDGs & Metacognition: Implementation and Assessment. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Oral Presentation. October 4th, 8:30 - 9:00 am.
Lindsey Kaymen & Paul Bartlett. (2018). Mobilizing Colleges with Earth Integrity Training. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Poster Session. October 4th, 2:30 - 4:30pm.
Paul Bartlett, Milena Popov and John Ruppert (Saint Peter's University). (2018). Integrating Core Sustainability Meta-Competencies and SDGs Across the Silos in Curriculum and Professional Development in workshop “Breaking Down Silos in Universities: Imaginative Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Development Research, Education, and Practice.” Chaired by Julio Lumbreras (Technical University of Madrid & Harvard Kenndy School) and Lillian Diaz (Université Laval). International Conference on Sustainable Development (IC-SD), United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). September 26, Albert Lerner Hall, Columbia University, New York. Register http://ic-sd.org (Free for students.) September 26-28.
Paul Bartlett. (2018). Chemicals of Emerging Concern: Challenges & opportunities / Contaminantes Emergentes: Retos y oportunidades. Congress of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE): Ecological Economics and Socio-ecological Movements: Science, policy, and challenges to global processes in a troubled world. Puebla, Mexico. September 10th, 9am.
John Ruppert (Saint Peter's University) and Paul Bartlett. (2018). Using socially acute questions focused on 'care' to enhance epistemic thinking about ecosystem services and sustainability. American Society for Ecology (ASE) Conference. New Orleans. August 7th 1:30pm-5:00pm
Testimony (Draft - Incomplete)
First Investigative Hearing on WTC Hazardous Waste Contamination, hosted by U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler, Transcript (Feb. 21, 2002) EPA Ombudsman Hearing Transcript Feb. 21, 2002, pp. 640-42. (Cited in Pollution and Deception at Ground Zero, Suzanne Mattei, Sierra Club., p. 44)
TERA WTC Indoor Air Assessment Peer Review, October 2002.
Research Collaborations, Capacity Building, & Assessment Experience (selected)
- Task Force on the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (HTAP) & Task Force of Modeling & Measurement (TFMM), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Convention of Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants (LRTAP).
- Arctic Monitoring Assessment Program (AMAP), POPs/CEC Expert Working Group, Arctic Council Working Group, Norway.
- New York Environmental Law & Justice, New York City.
- University Center at Svalbard (UNIS), Department or Arctic Technology.
- Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC), Mexico, D.F.
- North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Montreal, Canada.
- European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.
- United States Department of Justice (USDOJ).
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
- Eastern Research Group (ERG), Inc.
- SRA International.
- Dominican Institute, City College, CUNY.
- Institute for Health & the Environment, School of Public Health, SUNY, Albany.
- Center for the Biology of Natural Systems (Presently the Barry Commoner Center for the Health & the Environment), Queens College, CUNY.
- Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY.
Teaching Experience
- City College of New York, Adjunct, Sustainability in the Urban Environment MSc Program. City University of New York.
- Fordham University, Adjunct & Lecturer, Natural Sciences & Economics departments, Lincoln Center, Jesuit University of New York.
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Environmental Science Department, Polar Academy, International Arctic School, Harbin, China.
- Saint Peter's University, Lecturer, FT Contingent, Jersey City. Jesuit University of New Jersey.
- University Centre at Svalbard (UNIS), Guest Lecturer, Department of Arctic Technology, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway.
- LaGuardia Community College, Adjunct Lecturer, CUNY, New York.
Government Experience
- Scientific Advisory Panels, FIFRA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Urban Planner, Manhattan Office, Department of City Planning, New York City.
- Trade & Competitiveness Commission, Executive Chamber, New York State.
- Consulting.
Current & Recent Working Groups and Committees
o Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives Across the Curriculum. CUNY network in formation.
o Expert Working Group. Fires Intercomparison Modeling and Emissions of Long Range Transport of POPs and Emerging Contaminants. (HTAP)
o Expert Working Group. Local Arctic Sources: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) / Emerging Contaminants, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Tromsø, Norway. http://amap.no
--- Recent ---
o COVID-19 Accountability Working Group, NY Environmental Law and Justice Project, NYC.
o Scientific Committee, Polar Academy, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. Chief Scientist, Yifan Li.
o Scientific Committee, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico. Nominated by Salvador Peniche. (Pending.)
o Research Working Group. Epistemic Cognition of Ecosystem Science in Practice. Saint Peter's University. John Ruppert, Biology Department, PI.
Community Service & the Arts (present, and selected past)
o Vangeline Theater & NY Butoh Institute, Advisory Board, NY, NY. (current).
o Adirondack Mountain Club, New York City Chapter, NY. (current member).
o La Plaza Cultural community garden, East Village, NY, NY. (current member).
--- Past ---
o American Youth Hostels, NY Metro. Leader, instructor, trainer.
o Art & Culture Task Force, Chair, Community Board 3M (Lower East Side, East Village, & Chinatown), Manhattan, NY.
o Con Edison Environmental Settlement Fund, Chair, Community Board 3M, NY.
o Environmental Subcommittee, Chair, Community Board 3M, NY.
o Expert Advisory Committee, Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), SRA International consultant to USEPA. Review of USEPA’s draft proposed sampling program to determine the extent of World Trade Center toxic impacts to the indoor environment.
o North Star Community Funding Board, NY, NY.
o Social Justice Program, Saint Peter's University, Jersey City, NJ.
o Technical Working Group, Beyond 911, Environmental and Public Health. Established by Senator Clinton & USEPA at the request of environmental, labor, health, and community organizations.
Bio in process of updating from:
- John Jay College, CUNY. EJS 200, Earth Justice: An Introduction to Sustainability (formerly SUS 200); EJS300 Environmental Justice; Eco 333 Sustainability; Eco 231 Global (Sustainable) Development & Crime, Eco 260 Environmental Economics; Eco 105 Understanding Data. Forthcoming Sci 112 Environmental Science. Hybrid, online & ePortfolio. Certified online (PCS-CUNY).
- City College of New York, CUNY. SUS 7400C Economics of Sustainability. Sustainability in the Urban Environment MSc Grad Program, Colin Powell School of Public Affairs.
- Fordham University. People & the Living Environment (NSci 1040), Physical Science (NSci 1010 & 1020 integrated with AMS Climate Science curriculum), Environmental Economics (Econ 3850), Statistics (Econ 2142 practical research project approach). Hybrid & online.
<pbartlett-at-fordham-dot-edu> - University Centre at Svalbard (UNIS). Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway. Guest Lecturer. AT-831 Arctic Environmental Pollution: Distribution and Processes (10 ECTS Graduate), Department of Arctic Technology.
- Saint Peter's University. Econometrics, Economic (Sustainable) Development, MBA Macroeconomics (Ecological Economics), Peace & Justice, Poverty & Inequality, and Statistics.
- American Chemical Society (ACS) (peer reviewer)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA), Higher Education Division
- Environmental Education (EE SIG)
- Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (IPA SIG)
- American Meteorological Association (AMS)
- Assessment Network of New York (ANNY)
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
- Eastern Economic Association (EEA)
- Ecological Society of America (ESA)
- International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
- Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE)
- U.S. Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE).
- National Association for Research of Science Teaching (NARST)
- Indigenous Knowledge Research Interest Group (ISK-RIG)
- New York State Outdoor Education Association (NYSOE)
- North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
- Society for Ecological Toxicity and Chemistry (SETAC)
Publications (Selected, see also published research reports in section "Research")
Bartlett, Paul, Lammel, Gerhard, Ma, Jianmin, Li, Li, Gusev, Alexey, Muntean, Marilena, Li, Yi-Fan, Cousins, Ian, Friedman, Carey, and Macleod, Matt, (2023, pending ). Modeling emissions and long-range transport of POPs and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern under climate change, POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern: Influence of Climate Change, Special Themed Issue, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (ESPI).
Ruppert, John, Masiel Infante, Paul Bartlett, et al. (2023). vAIR - an epistemic model of socioscientific reasoning emerging from citizens engaged in a locally situated SSI. Science Education, 107, 609– 650. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21782
Macleod, Matt, Bartlett, Paul, Lammel, Gerhard, Li Li, Cousins, Ian, Friedman, Carey, Gusev, Alexey, Li, Yi-Fan, Ma, Jianmin, Muntean, Marilena. (2021, forthcoming). Emission and Long-Range Transport Modeling. Chapter 2.1 in POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs): Influence of Climate Change, eds. Derek Muir, Cynthia deWitt, Katrin Vorkamp. Arctic Monitoring Assessment Programme (AMAP). Tromsø, Norway. [Workshop, Stockholm University, April 2019.] Summary for Policy Makers 2021.
Bartlett, Paul, Milena Povov, John Ruppert. (2020). Integrating Core Sustainability Meta-Competencies and SDGs Across the Silos in Curriculum and Professional Development (chapter) in The SDGs and Institutions of Higher Education: Concepts, cases and good practices, ed. by Godwell Nhamo & Vuyo Mjimba. Nature Springer. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030261566
Bartlett, Paul. ed. (2023, proposed). Environmental Uncertainty: Case Studies, (Title TBC) co-editor and co-author. An international anthology of case studies of policy and planning under environmental uncertainty. Identifies ways that uncertainty can be best handled by project management, collaborative research and policy. Topics include environmental disaster, global pollution, climate change and the connection between science, economics, culture, geopolitics and policy. Scientist-journalist co-authors. Case studies include environmental research in the U.S., Europe, Canada, China, Russia, Mexico and the Arctic.
Bartlett, Paul, Elisabeth Isaksson and Mark Hermanson. (2019). Unintentional “New” PCB in the Arctic. Special Issue on Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern, Emerging Contaminants. Volume 5(1): 9-14. KeAi - Elsevier. Open Access. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/emerging-contaminants/special-issue/10JTJQ0QQPT
Bartlett, Paul. (2017). Review of The Lost Traveller’s Dream, by Joel Kovel. Dialectical Anthropology, 41: 285-289. Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10624-017-9468-3
Bartlett Paul and Mark Hermanson. (2017). Unintentionally produced “new” PCB. Chapter 2.15 in Assessment of Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEAC). Expert Working Group. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), Norway. AMAP.no (Lead author, peer reviewed, submitted and approved by Arctic Council.) December. http://amap.no [Summary for policy makers released April 2017].
Intercontinental transport of persistent organic pollutants: A review of key findings and recommendations of the task force on hemispheric transport of air pollutants and directions for future research. (2012). Alexey Gusev, Matthew MacLeod and Paul Bartlett. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol 3, Issue 4, Pages 463-465, http://dx.doi.org/10.5094/APR.2012.053
Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution 2010, Part C: Persistent Organic Pollutants. (2011). Air Pollution Studies No. 19, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE), Geneva, UN Convention on Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants (LRTAP), Task Force on the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants. Co-Editors: Andre Zuber (EC) and Terry Keating (US EPA). (Co-author, two chapters, introduction overview and modeling.)
Saint Peter's College Climate Action Plan. (2010). American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. May 15. Contributor.
Captured: The History of Lower East Side Film and Video. (2005). Patterson, Clayton., Bartlett, Paul. and Mylonas, Urania., eds., Seven Stories Press, NY. Book. Review, Gary Shapiro, An Underground Scene Celebrates Aboveground, New York Sun, Aug 25, 2005. https://www.nysun.com/arts/underground-scene-celebrates-aboveground/19133/ Reviews collated John Strausbaugh, NY Times (August 25); Jim Knipfel, NY Press (August 18); David h. Katz, The Villager (August 31); AM New York (September 8); David Varno, Brooklyn Rail (August 25). A HOWL! Festival project, 2005. Briefly Noted, New Yorker, October 10. Availble at University (e.g. NYU, Columbia) and Public Libraries (e.g. NYPL).
Gold standard for lower Manhattan cleanup. (2004). Neuman, D., Bartlett, P., Clarke, M., Kotelchuck, D., Rossol, M., Vozick, M.: New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 119-217. http://nycosh.org/environment_wtc/GoldStandard.htm Journal.
POP Model Intercomparison Study. Stage I. Comparison of Descriptions of Main Processes Determining POP Behaviour in Various Environmental Compartments. (2004). Shatalov, V., Mantseva, E., Baart, A., Bartlett, P., Breivik, K., Christensen, J., Dutchak, S., Kallweit, D., Farret, R., Fedyunin, M., Gong, S., Hansen, K.M., Holoubek, I., Huang, P., Jones, K., Matthies, M., Petersen, G., Prevedouros, K., Pudykiewicz, J., Roemer, M., Salzman, M., Scheringer, M., Stocker, J., Strukov, B., Suzuki, N., Sweetman, A., van de Meent, D., Wegmann, F.: , MSC-E Technical Report 1/2004, Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – East, Moscow, Russia, UN Economic Commission of Europe (UNECE).
The Deposition of airborne dioxin emitted by North American sources on ecologically vulnerable receptors in Nunavut, in Northern Lights Against POPs: Toxic Threats in the Arctic, edited by Terry Fenge and David Downie. (2003). Commoner, B., Bartlett, P.W., Eisl, H., Couchot, K.: McGill-Queen's University Press, published for the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (Canada). Feb. Book Chapter.
Modeling the atmospheric transport and deposition of PCDD/F to the Great Lakes. (2002). Cohen, M.D., Draxler, R.R. and Artz, R. (NOAA Air Resources Laboratory); Barry Commoner, B., Bartlett, P., Cooney, P., Couchot, K., Dicker, A., Eisl, H., Hill, C., Quigley, J., and Rosenthal,J., (CBNS, Queens College); Niemi, D., Ratte, D., and Deslauriers, M., (Pollution Data Branch, Environment Canada),; Laurin, R., (Ontario Ministry of the Environment); Mathewson-Brake, L., (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources); McDonald, J., (International Joint Commission), Environmental Science & Technology Vol.34 No.22, pp 4831–4845. Nov. [Outstanding Scientific Paper Award, OAR, NOAA]. Journal.
Modeling source-to-receptor atmospheric transport: atrazine, PCBs and dioxin In North America. (2000). Bartlett, P.W., Commoner, B., Couchot, K., Eisl, H., Cooney, P., (CBNS); Bush, B. (SUNY School of Public Health), , Presented at Dioxin 2000, Monterey, California, Aug.; Organohalogen Compounds 45: 288-291. Journal. http://dioxin20xx.org/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/2000/00-23.pdf
Long-range air transport of dioxin from North American sources to ecologically vulnerable receptors in Nunavut, Arctic Canada.(2000). Commoner, B., Bartlett, P.W., Eisl, H., Couchot, K. Final report to North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, April. Peer Reviewed. http://www.cec.org/files/PDF/POLLUTANTS/dioxrep_EN.pdf
Conclusions and recommendations, Working group on POPs modeling. (1999). Wania, Frank, et al. WMO/EMEP/UNEP Workshop on modelling of atmospheric transport and deposition of persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals. No. 136 Vol.1, EMEP/MSC-E Report 1/2000; WMO/TD No. 1008. World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland. Nov. 16-19.
- Scientific Committee appointment to the new Polar Academy, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. February 2019-2022.
- Fellow, Teaching & Learning Center, John Jay College, CUNY. August 2019- June 2020.
- University Research Fellow (formerly Scholar in Residence). Saint Peter's University. 2012-2015.
- Certificate, Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC), Mexico, D.F. 2012
- Outstanding Lecturer Award, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY.
- Commendation (with Robin Kramer JD), Department of City Planning, New York City. Herbert Sturz, Chair.
- Gold Award, State Science & Engineering Fair, Minnesota Academy of Science.
- Forest & Agricultural Wildfires: Multi-pollutant Global Intercomparison Modeling Study (International cooperative activities facilitated by UN TF HTAP)
- Arctic Local Sources: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) & Chemicals of Emerging Concern. POPs Expert Working Group, Distinguishing local, regional, and long-range emission sources, modeling & policy.
- Indigenous Knowledge & Perspectives, Sustainability, Environmental & Climate Justice & SDGs Across the Curriculum. Faculty development. curriculum design and assessment.
- An epistemic cognition approach to civic engagement with ecosystem science and economics. Collaboration with John Ruppert, Biology Department, Saint Peter's University. Cognitive-behavioral ecological science and economics. Communities of practice. Sustainability Competencies. Learning and teaching. Assessment.
- Environmental Justice & Sustainability. Communication and education, consulting.
- Outdoor ecological & arts education. Program evaluation, research and design.
Grant Supported Research (Past, selected with report titles. Research publications, see above.)
The ecological domain of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) emissions from the Hudson River. (2003). Bartlett, P.W., Commoner, B., Couchot, K., (CBNS); O’Hehir, D., (SUNY School of Public Health): Final report to the New York Community Trust. April.
The deposition and accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in New York watersheds. (2002). Bartlett, P.W., Commoner, B., Couchot, K., (CBNS), O’Hehir, D., (SUNY School of Public Health). Report to the New York Community Trust. April.
Long-range air transport of dioxin from North American sources to ecologically vulnerable receptors in Nunavut, Arctic Canada.(2000). Commoner, B., Bartlett, P.W., Eisl, H., Couchot, K. Final report to North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, April. Peer Reviewed. http://www.cec.org/files/PDF/POLLUTANTS/dioxrep_EN.pdf
The exposure of the New York City watershed to PCBs emitted from the Hudson River. (1999). Commoner, B., Bush, B., Bartlett, P., Couchot, K. Final report to the New York Community Trust, Oct.
The economic impact on the recycling system on New York City. (1999). Bartlett, Paul. Ch.V in Eisl, H., et al., Development and implementation of an integrated recycling system for the collection, processing, and the use in manufacturing of New York City municipal solid waste. Final report to the Pew Charitable Trusts. April.
The routes and biomarker evidence of exposure of wildlife populations to atrazine, an endocrine disrupter. (1998). Bartlett, P., Commoner, B., Eisl, H., Cooney, P., Couchot, K. Final report to W. Alton Jones Foundation, Nov.
Dioxin sources, air transport and contamination in dairy feed crops and milk. (1998). Commoner, B., et al.: Final report to Joyce Foundation, J.B. Cox Charitable Trust and J. Merck Fund, Sept.
How to save trees by recycling paper. (1997). Commoner, B., Bartlett, P.W., Eisl, H. Foundation workshop guide. Final report to Turner Foundation.
Exposure of endocrine disrupters from long-range air transport of pesticides. (1997) Cohen, M., et al. Final report to W. Alton Jones Foundation, Nov.
Iron sintering. Ch. 6 in Commoner, B., et al., Zeroing out dioxin in the Great Lakes: Within our reach. (1996). Eisl, H and Bartlett, P. Final report to the Joyce Foundation, June.
Pulp and paper. Ch. 5 in Commoner, B., et al., Zeroing out dioxin in the Great Lakes: Within our reach. (1996). Bartlett, P., and Rosenthal, J.: Final report to the Joyce Foundation, June.
Dioxin fallout in the Great Lakes: Where it comes from; how to prevent it; at what cost. (1996). Commoner, B., et al. Summary report to the Joyce Foundation, June.
Quantitative estimation of the entry of dioxins, furans and hexachlorobenzene into the Great Lakes from airborne and waterborne sources. (1995). Cohen, M., et al. Final report to the Joyce Foundation, May.