Public School Teacher Certification in Mathematics (7-12) from the University of the State of New York Education Department (2012)
The Art & Science of Teaching Certification, Education, C.W. Post Long Island University (2009)
M.A.+30, Adelphi University, (2012, Mathematics Education)
B.S., Stony Brook University (2008, Applied Mathematics & Statistics)
B.S., Stony Brook University (2008, Mathematics)
Professor Alvin Estrada is Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science with teaching and service in Mathematics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York (CUNY). He is also the Director of the Math Foundation & Quantitative Reasoning (MFQR) program. As Director, he develops curriculum and policies that support students' learning of mathematics at the college. He has 10+ years of experience teaching, tutoring, and project researching in mathematics, statistics, and computer science at private, public, majority, and minority serving institutions of higher education. Professor Estrada is also a General Education Coordinator for mathematics at the college. He collaborates with the Early Start Program and Honors Program for research mentoring students for both the First Year Student Showcase and the Honors Capstone at John Jay College.
A native of Queens, New York and trained in mathematics education in Long Island, New York (MA, Adelphi University, 2012), he commenced his academic career in Garden City, New York. Professor Estrada has judged during both the preliminary and final rounds for the Long Island Math Fair competition (7-12) taken place at Suffolk Community College and Hofstra University. Professor Estrada's presentations have dealt with student to teacher development, deductive reasoning analysis, and math & science before calculators, iPads, and microwaves in the secondary-level schools (7-12). He assisted in the Sandra Cohen's Family Math Day on Long Island for an opportunity for elementary-level students (K-6) and their parents to explore mathematics together in the classroom. He is actively involved in a number of mathematics education associations around the region and is fluent in Spanish.
Professor Estrada has consulted for some colleges and programs on higher education. He worked as a Technical Assistant and Program Developer for Nassau Community College and Queensborough Community College. He has been invited to design and facilitate math preparatory workshops on some of the common competitions and examinations including ACT, AMC (American Mathematics Competitions), HSE (High School Equivalency), SAT, and TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills). He has participated for the Mathematics and Computer Science Seminar series at Adelphi University and Urban Science Education Research Seminar (USER-S) series at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Alvin Estrada earned the Public-School Teacher Certification in Mathematics (7-12) from the University of the State of New York Education Department as well as an Art & Science of Teaching Certification from C.W. Post Long Island University. He received his M.A.(+30) in Mathematics Education from Adelphi University, B.S. in Mathematics, and B.S. in Applied Mathematics & Statistics from Stony Brook University of the State University of New York, SUNY.
MAT 098 Pre-Freshman Math / Summer 2019
MAT 104 Paced Modern Mathematics / Summer 2013
MAT 105 College Algebra / Fall 2020
MAT 106 Liberal Arts Mathematics / Fall 2023
MAT 108 Social Science Mathematics / Summer 2022
MAT 141 Pre-calculus / Fall 2018
MAT 204 Discrete Structures / Summer 2023
MAT 351 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations / Spring 2018
MAT 361 Introduction to the Functions of a Complex Variable / Spring 2020
STA 250 Principles and Methods of Statistics / Fall 2023
Useful Links at John Jay College
2020-2021 CSCI-Computer Science Course Descriptions
2020-2021MAT-Mathematics Course Descriptions
2020-2021 STA-Statistics Course Descriptions
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Math Foundation & Quantitative Reasoning Program
Mathematics & Science Resource Center
SEEK Academic Support Center
Advisor, Department Student Advisement (for MFQR courses)
Member, Department Grade Appeals Committee
Member, Department Curriculum Committee
Member, Department Mathematics Working Group (formerly known as Calculus Working Group)
Assistant Deputy Director, Math Foundation & Quantitative Reasoning Program
Course Coordinator, STA 250 Principles and Methods of Statistics
Director, Math Foundation & Quantitative Reasoning Program
Coordinator, General Education for Math Foundation & Quantitative Reasoning Program
Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)
Certification of Recognition for Research Mentoring - Early Start Program, 2015 - present
Certification of Recognition for Research Mentoring - Honors Program, 2019 - 2020
ePortfolio Faculty Development Program, Summer 2016
Effective Practices in Online Teaching (EPOT) Certificate, Summer 2020
Academic Momentum Campaign, 2021 - 2022
Alvin Estrada's research interests includes applied mathematics & statistics, history of mathematics, mathematics education (elementary, secondary, and collegiate), number theory, and urban education in SMT (science, mathematics & technology). Related topics: STEM teaching with technology, and urban education in the learning sciences.
Topics in the history of Calculus
Below are some reading about the history of calculus that may be of interest.
- Wikipedia page on calculus.
- Wikipedia page on Isaac Newton.
- Wikipedia page on Newton-Leibniz controversy.
- Wikipedia page on the discovery of the planet Neptune (using only mathematics).
The translated version of Leibniz paper entitled: Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis (A new method for finding maxima and minima).
3Blue1Brown YouTube Channel - may have one of the best presentations of mathematics in all of YouTube.
Alma Mater pages
- Adelphi University: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Stony Brook University: Applied Mathematics & Statistics Department and Mathematics Department
- SUNY Old Westbury: Mathematics, Computer & Information Science Department