You can register for any online course offered during the summer session that will help you meet a graduation requirement.

If you don't find a course here that meets your goals, you can use the CUNY search to find additional winter courses.

Keep in mind that winter and summer courses are condensed: you will have to dedicate a significant amount of time each week to complete readings and assignments. Make sure you read the dates and any required meeting times for online courses.


Foundational Major Requirements (take these in the summer or winter if you don't have them already)

Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
3W2 CJBS 101 299 8393 American Cj System
3W2 COR 101 299 8210 Introduction to Corrections
5W2 LAW 203 599 7763 Constitutional Law
5W1 LAW 203 99 7765 Constitutional Law
3W1 POL 101 199 8468 Amer Government
3W1 POL 101 199 8468 Amer Government
3W1 POL 101 199 8468 Amer Government
3W2 POL 101 299 7651 Amer Government
3W2 POL 101 299 7651 Amer Government
3W3 POL 101 399 8474 Amer Government
5W1 PSC 101 99 8043 Introduction to Police Studies
3W1 SOC 101 199 7649 Introduction to Sociology
3W2 SOC 101 299 8119 Introduction to Sociology
3W2 SOC 101 299 8119 Introduction to Sociology
3W3 SOC 101 399 8120 Introduction to Sociology
3W3 SOC 101 399 8120 Introduction to Sociology

Core Major Classes (CJBS 250, 300, 415)

Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
3W1 CJBS 250 199 8405 Rsrch Methds/Sta Crj
3W2 CJBS 250 299 8403 Rsrch Methds/Sta Crj
5W2 CJBS 250 599 8401 Rsrch Methds/Sta Crj
5W1 CJBS 250 99 8407 Rsrch Methds/Sta Crj
3W1 CJBS 300 199 8378 Cj Theor In Practice
3W2 CJBS 300 299 8376 Cj Theor In Practice
5W2 CJBS 300 598 8374 Cj Theor In Practice
5W2 CJBS 300 599 8375 Cj Theor In Practice
5W1 CJBS 300 98 8383 Cj Theor In Practice
5W1 CJBS 300 99 8380 Cj Theor In Practice
3W1 CJBS 415 199 8373 Capstone Seminar
3W2 CJBS 415 299 8372 Capstone Seminar
3W3 CJBS 415 399 8370 Capstone Seminar
5W2 CJBS 415 599 8369 Capstone Seminar
5W1 CJBS 415 99 8371 Capstone Seminar


    Law, Corrections and Police Science Classes (Fulfills Distribution Requirements, Electives, Law Minor)

    Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
    5W1 COR 201 99 8107 Law & Institutional Treatment
    5W2 COR 230 599 7885 Sex Offen In The Cjs
    5W1 COR 303 99 8135 Comparative Correction Systems
    5W2 COR 320 599 7868 Race Cls & Gend Cor
    8W1 COR 320 899 7869 Race Cls & Gend Cor
    3W1 COR 397 199 7838 Corrections and Media
    3W2 CRJ 236 299 7673 Victimology
    5W2 CRJ 236 599 7672 Victimology
    5W1 CRJ 420 99 7674 Women and Crime
    5W2 LAW 202 599 7854 Law and Evidence
    5W1 LAW 202 99 7855 Law and Evidence
    5W2 LAW 203 599 7763 Constitutional Law
    5W1 LAW 203 99 7765 Constitutional Law
    5W1 LAW 209 99 7890 Criminal Law
    5W2 LAW 301 599 8131 Jurisprudence
    5W1 LAW 301 99 8132 Jurisprudence
    3W3 LAW 310 399 7679 Ethics and Law
    3W1 LAW 313 199 7754 Law/Pol Race Rel
    3W2 LAW 313 299 7753 Law/Pol Race Rel
    5W2 LAW 313 599 7752 Law/Pol Race Rel
    5W1 LAW 370 99 7675 Psychology and the Law
    5W1 LAW 401 99 8273 Problems of Constitutional Dev
    5W2 PSC 107 599 7876 Intro: Criminal Investigations
    5W1 PSC 107 99 7877 Intro: Criminal Investigations
    3W2 PSC 201 299 8530 Police Administrn
    5W1 PSC 202 99 7820 Police and Diversity
    5W2 PSC 204 599 7728 The Patrol Function
    5W1 PSC 216 99 7788 Crime Mapping
    5W2 PSC 230 599 7834 Sex Offenders in Crim Just Sys
    5W1 PSC 300 99 8312 Police Mgmt & Admin in the US
    5W1 PSC 321 99 8133 Police Ethics
    5W2 PSC 415 599 8531 Seminar on Terrorism

      Sociology (including criminology) for Electives or Minor

      Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
      3W1 SOC 110 199 7671 Drug Use and Abuse
      3W2 SOC 110 299 7687 Drug Use and Abuse
      3W3 SOC 110 399 7686 Drug Use and Abuse
      5W1 SOC 110 99 7670 Drug Use and Abuse
      5W1 SOC 201 99 8487 Urban Sociology
      3W1 SOC 203 198 7929 Criminology
      3W1 SOC 203 198 7929 Criminology
      3W1 SOC 203 199 7930 Criminology
      3W1 SOC 203 199 7930 Criminology
      3W1 SOC 203 199 7930 Criminology
      3W3 SOC 203 399 8554 Criminology
      3W3 SOC 203 399 8554 Criminology
      3W3 SOC 203 399 8554 Criminology
      3W1 SOC 206 199 7842 Soc Of Conflict
      3W2 SOC 206 299 7841 Soc Of Conflict
      3W3 SOC 206 399 8509 Soc Of Conflict
      3W1 SOC 215 199 7648 Women & Social Control US
      3W1 SOC 215 199 7648 Women & Social Control US
      3W3 SOC 216 399 7892 Probation & Parole
      5W1 SOC 222 99 8505 Crime Media Pub Opin
      3W2 SOC 232 299 7650 Social Stratification
      3W2 SOC 236 299 8207 Victimology
      5W2 SOC 236 599 8206 Victimology
      3W1 SOC 240 198 8122 Deviance and Conformity
      3W2 SOC 301 299 7706 Penology
      3W3 SOC 305 399 7839 The Sociology of Law
      3W2 SOC 308 299 8557 The Sociology of Violence
      5W2 SOC 308 599 8245 The Sociology of Violence
      5W2 SOC 309 599 8507 Youth, Crime and Justice
      5W1 SOC 309 99 7710 Youth, Crime and Justice

      Anthropology Classes (for Electives or Minor)

      Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
      3W1 ANT 101 199 8241 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
      3W2 ANT 101 299 8240 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
      5W2 ANT 101 599 8239 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
      8W1 ANT 101 899 7617 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
      5W1 ANT 101 99 8242 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
      3W1 ANT 110 199 8269 Drug Use & Abuse
      3W2 ANT 110 299 8271 Drug Use & Abuse
      3W3 ANT 110 399 7647 Drug Use & Abuse
      5W1 ANT 110 99 8274 Drug Use & Abuse
      3W1 ANT 208 199 7657 Urban Anthropology
      3W2 ANT 208 299 7654 Urban Anthropology
      8W1 ANT 208 899 7616 Urban Anthropology
      5W1 ANT 208 99 7750 Urban Anthropology
      3W1 ANT 210 199 8211 Sex and Culture
      3W2 ANT 210 299 8213 Sex and Culture
      5W1 ANT 210 99 8212 Sex and Culture
      5W1 ANT 227 99 8546 Anthropgy & Film
      3W1 ANT 230 199 7756 Culture and Crime
      3W2 ANT 230 299 7757 Culture and Crime
      3W3 ANT 230 399 7646 Culture and Crime
      5W1 ANT 230 99 7642 Culture and Crime
      5W1 ANT 310 99 7881 Culture and Personality
      3W1 ANT 315 199 7656 Law Justice and Injustice
      3W2 ANT 315 299 7653 Law Justice and Injustice
      3W3 ANT 315 399 7932 Law Justice and Injustice
      5W1 ANT 315 99 8020 Law Justice and Injustice
      3W1 ANT 328 199 7891 Forensic Linguistics
      3W1 ANT 328 199 7891 Forensic Linguistics
      3W2 ANT 328 299 8514 Forensic Linguistics
      3W1 ANT 330 199 7889 Am Pluralsm & Law
      3W2 ANT 330 299 8510 Am Pluralsm & Law
      5W1 ANT 330 99 7643 Am Pluralsm & Law
      5W1 ANT 330 99 7643 Am Pluralsm & Law


      General Education Classes

      Session Subject Catalog# Class Section Class Nbr Class Title
      3W1 AFR 125 199 7658 Race and Ethnicity in America
      5W1 AFR 125 99 8547 Race and Ethnicity in America
      5W1 AFR 227 99 8519 Community-Based Approaches
      3W2 AFR 229 299 8517 Peace & Justice
      3W1 AFR 239 199 8521 African American Journeys
      5W2 ART 101 599 8268 Introduction to Art
      5W1 ART 101 99 8266 Introduction to Art
      3W2 ART 113 299 8116 Digital Photography I
      5W2 ART 113 599 8115 Digital Photography I
      3W2 ART 122 299 8324 Eco Art and Design
      5W1 BIO 103 1 8110 Modern Biology I
      5W1 BIO 103 01L1 8108 Modern Biology I
      5W1 BIO 103 01R1 8109 Modern Biology I
      5W2 BIO 104 1 7871 Modern Biology II
      5W2 BIO 104 01L1 7874 Modern Biology II
      5W2 BIO 104 01R1 7870 Modern Biology II
      5W1 BIO 211 1 8466 Microbiology
      5W2 ENG 131 599 8462 Self, Media, and Society
      5W2 ENG 201 599 7907 Comp II Discip Inves
      5W1 ENG 201 98 7909 Comp II Discip Inves
      5W1 ENG 201 99 7908 Comp II Discip Inves
      5W1 ENG 235 99 7759 Writng for Mgmt, Bus & Pub Adm
      3W1 ENG 328 199 7669 Forensic Linguistics
      3W2 ENG 328 299 7896 Forensic Linguistics
      5W1 GEN 101 99 8118 Introduction to Gender Studies
      5W2 HIS 127 599 8470 Microhistories
      5W1 HIS 127 99 8472 Microhistories
      5W2 HIS 131 598 8464 Topics His Sci&Med
      5W2 HIS 131 599 8454 Topics His Sci&Med
      5W1 HIS 201 99 8208 United States History to 1865
      5W2 HIS 202 599 7625 US History since 1865
      5W1 HIS 203 99 7637 The Ancient World
      5W1 HIS 217 99 7751 History of New York City
      5W1 HIS 224 99 7785 Hist Crime Nyc
      5W1 HIS 277 99 7636 American Legal History
      5W1 HIS 320 99 7850 Crime & Pun In Us
      5W1 LIT 106 99 7895 Introduction to Film
      5W2 LIT 140 599 8292 Crime Stories
      5W1 LIT 140 99 8529 Crime Stories
      5W2 LIT 142 599 8287 Science Fiction/Science Fact
      5W2 LIT 237 599 8448 Literature as Witness
      5W1 LIT 241 99 8309 Murder on Screen and Stage
      3W1 LLS 124 199 8513 Latinx Communities in the U.S.
      3W1 LLS 130 199 8323 Intro Latin American History
      3W2 LLS 130 299 8512 Intro Latin American History
      5W1 LLS 341 99 8506 Immigrants Rights in Americas
      5W2 MAT 106 599 8267 Liberal Arts Mathematics
      5W2 MAT 108 598 8224 Social Science Mathematics
      5W1 MAT 108 98 8226 Social Science Mathematics
      5W1 MUS 102 99 7790 The Language of Music
      5W1 MUS 102 99 7790 The Language of Music
      5W1 MUS 104 99 7743 Music in World Culture
      3W2 MUS 110 299 8488 Pop Music Caribbean
      3W1 MUS 120 199 7732 Piano
      3W1 MUS 120 199 7732 Piano
      5W2 MUS 120 599 7731 Piano
      5W1 MUS 120 99 7733 Piano
      5W2 MUS 140 599 8444 Introduction to Guitar
      5W2 MUS 140 599 8444 Introduction to Guitar
      5W1 MUS 140 99 8442 Introduction to Guitar
      5W1 MUS 140 99 8442 Introduction to Guitar
      5W2 PED 103 599 7770 Physical Fitness
      5W1 PED 103 99 7628 Physical Fitness
      5W2 PED 110 599 7622 Personal & Public Health
      5W2 PED 110 599 7622 Personal & Public Health
      5W1 PED 110 99 7866 Personal & Public Health
      8W1 PED 120 899 7615 Intercollegiate Athletics
      3W3 PED 180 398 8231 Stress Management
      3W3 PED 180 399 8230 Stress Management
      5W1 PED 180 99 8232 Stress Management
      5W1 PHI 210 99 8399 Ethical Theory
      3W1 PHI 216 198 8326 Ethics & Information Tech
      3W2 PHI 216 299 8549 Ethics & Information Tech
      3W1 PHI 235 199 8310 Philosophy of Science
      3W3 PHI 235 399 8535 Philosophy of Science
      3W3 PHI 310 399 7872 Ethics and Law
      3W1 PHI 317 198 8343 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      3W1 PHI 317 198 8343 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      3W2 PHI 317 299 8533 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      3W3 PHI 317 399 8344 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      3W3 PHI 317 399 8344 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      5W2 PHI 317 599 8534 Phil of Law in Global Persp
      5W2 SCI 114 2 8419 Prin Forensic Sci
      5W2 SCI 114 02L1 8411 Prin Forensic Sci