Dakar, Senegal
Summer Study-Abroad & Internship Program
Dakar, Senegal
Summer 2023: POSTPONED

Senegal is bound by the Atlantic Ocean, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau, and is a peaceful West African country with a mixture of many cultures and languages. Dakar, the capital city, is an international cultural hub, home to major academic institutions, the heart of diverse artistic and musical innovations, and the center of creative political expressions.
The John Jay College—Dakar Institute of African Studies (DIAS) Summer Program is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program open to all majors. Local Senegalese students will take courses along side study-abroad students, creating a community between students from Senegal and those from the U.S. and Europe. As a result, students will have the opportunity for peer-to-peer learning, providing students the opportunity to share their experiences and to learn from each other. This cultural exchange and immersion will provide students with deeper understanding of Senegalese culture, as well as a worldview based on African cultural heritage.
Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.
Information sessions will be held from 1:40-2:55 (community hour) over Zoom on the following date. Click HERE to join.
- Wednesday, March 8
The Summer Program is open to undergraduate students and has five tracks: African studies (taught in English), Francophone studies (taught in French), Wolof language, education, academic internships, and service-learning course. All courses are designed to have a traditional and an experiential component, which may include workshops with traditional healers, artists, religious and community leaders, politicians, and/or scholars.
A combination of lectures and direct learning experiences will help students gain a holistic understanding of African issues and their diverse manifestations in the Senegalese context, from the pre-colonial to the present times. Students can earn up to 6 credit hours during the summer session. Field trips and cultural visits are included in each track.
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- 30 completed credits
- Housing: Students will stay in double-occupancy, homestay, accommodations.
- Fluctuating exchange rates and other fees may lead to program cost changes.
- Program cost is based on a minimum number of participants for the program.
- Students should discuss applicability of financial aid with the Financial Aid office.
- All CUNY students must meet with their study abroad advisor to be sure the proper e-Permit registration process is followed.
- All non-CUNY students are encouraged to apply early, to be sure there is ample time to apply and register for classes at John Jay College. Please contact OISP for more information regarding the application process. Please note: Tuition rate per credit is different for non-CUNY students. More tuition information can be found here: http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/undergraduate-tuition-fees
- Refund Policy: Payment of the program deposit indicates the student understands and agrees to the Office of International Studies & Program’s payment and refund policies. Students who withdraw from a John Jay College program after confirming participation, but before the program begins, will lose the non-refundable deposit and any unrecoverable costs: students will be refunded 50 percent of program fees 30 days prior to the program start date, and 25 percent of program fees 14 days prior to the program start date. After the start of the program, no refunds will be provided, and the student is responsible for all program fees. If the program fee is not paid in full, there will be a hold placed on her/his CUNYfirst account.
- For faculty-led programs, tuition refunds will be granted following the College’s policies. For more information, please visit: http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/understading-your-financial-obligation.
- College-based funders retain the right to recoup funds from the student account if the student does not follow rules of the CUNY Travel Waiver & Release Form, uses the funds for other purposes, or withdraws from the program. Students must understand that they are responsible for full payment of the amount owed to the department.
- The Office of International Studies and Programs (OISP) has the right to modify or cancel the program, including changes to the program dates, costs, scheduled visits, program itinerary, etc., as dictated by economic and/or political situations, etc.
- Students are responsible for purchasing their own airfare, and for their itinerary. Due to possible changes in program dates/itinerary information, students are not to purchase airfare until prompted by OISP.
- Students are encouraged to apply early, due to limited space.
- Information is tentative, and subject to change, **program cost(s), syllabi, *dates, etc.
note that all travelers:
should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel
images needed below | ||
Routine vaccines | Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot. |
note that most travelers:
Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
note that some travelers:
Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.
images needed below | ||
Hepatitis B | You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures. | |
Meningitis (Meningococcal disease) | CDC recommends this vaccine if you plan to visit parts of Senegal located in the meningitis belt during the dry season (December–June), when the disease is most common. | |
Rabies | Rabies can be found in dogs, bats, and other mammals in Senegal, so CDC recommends this vaccine for the following groups: | |
• Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities (such as camping, hiking, biking, adventure travel, and caving) that put them at risk for animal bites. | ||
• People who will be working with or around animals (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, and researchers). | ||
• People who are taking long trips or moving to Senegal | ||
• Children, because they tend to play with animals, might not report bites, and are more likely to have animal bites on their head and neck. |
Applications are available from the Office of International Studies & Programs (Haaren Hall, Suite 530). Applications can also be found here.
Application Deadline: Friday, March 31. However, qualified applicants will be admitted on a rolling basis until places are filled. Thus, due to limited places, students are encouraged to apply early.
Please note: An application fee of $50.00 is due at the time of application. Money orders, personal checks and cash are accepted. Applications will not be accepted if incomplete. More information can be found here.
All non-CUNY students will need to pay an additional $65.00 at time of application due to a non-degree application fee.
Estimated Program Fee & 6 Credits: TBD**
**Subject to change. Includes tuition, double-occupancy homestay accommodations, some meals, international health insurance, and excursions and transportation on-site associated with program. Does not include, airfare, daily lunch and dinners, personal expenses, personal excursions, etc.
Estimated Costs

John Jay College Tuition and Fees
Undergraduate Tuition and Fees
Students should make an appointment with the Financial Aid Office to discuss the applicability of their financial aid to this program.
Inquire at the Office of International Studies & Programs for information. If you are a John Jay student, you can apply for the JJC Study-Abroad Scholarship, JJC Student Travel Fund, and the CUNY Chancellor’s Global Scholarship. For more on scholarship opportunities click here. U.S.-wide scholarship opportunities can be found here.
Contact Mr. Michael Scaduto, Associate Director of Financial Aid, for more information in regards to the JJC Study-Abroad Scholarship and general scholarship opportunities for John Jay students at 212-237-8872 or email at mscaduto@jjay.cuny.edu.
Ken Yanes, Dep. Director
+1.212.484.1339, kyanes@jjay.cuny.edu
Daniel Braslavsky, Study Abroad Coordinator
212-887-6105, dbraslavsky@jjay.cuny.edu
Office Location:
524 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Haaren Hall, Suite 530
Mailing Address:
524 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Haaren Hall, Suite 530