CLEP Equivalency Table

CLEP Equivalencies at John Jay

This table lists CLEP exams currently offered, each exam’s equivalent course(s) at John Jay, the number of credits John Jay awards, and the minimum score required in order to receive credit. It is updated periodically based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education. Individual credit awards are based on the credit recommendations in effect at the time the exam was taken and may differ from what is listed here. 

CLEP Title Equivalent Course(s) Credits Min. Score
Financial Accounting ACC 250 3 50
Information Systems and Computer Applications CSCI 260 3 50
Introductory Business Law LAW/ACC 264 3 50
Principles of Management BUS elective 3 50
Principles of Marketing BUS elective 3 50
Composition & Literature
American Literature LIT 233 3 50
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature LIT elective 3 50
College Composition ENG 101 & ENG 201 6 50
College Composition Modular with Optional Essay not accepted
College Composition Modular without Essay ENG 101 3 50
English Literature LIT elective 3 50
Humanities HUM elective 3 50
Science and Mathematics
Biology BIO elective (Life & Phys) BIO elective (Sci World) 6 50
Calculus MAT 151 4 50
Chemistry CHE elective (Life & Phys) CHE elective (Sci World) 6 50
College Algebra MAT 105 3 50
College Mathematics MAT 106 & MAT elective 6 50
Natural Sciences SCI elective (Life & Phys) SCI elective (Sci World) 6 50
Pre-calculus MAT 141 3 50
History & Social Sciences
American Government POL 101 3 50
History of the United States I HIS 201 3 50
History of the United States II HIS 202 3 50
Human Growth and Development PSY 231 3 50
Introduction to Educational Psychology PSY elective 3 50
Introductory Psychology PSY 101 3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 101 3 50
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 120 3 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECO 125 3 50
Social Sciences and History SSC elective 6 50
Western Civilization I HIS 203 3 50
Western Civilization II HIS 205 3 50
World Languages
French Language Levels 1 and 2 (6 or 9 credits total, depending on score) FRE 101 & FRE 102 6 50
+ FRE elective 3 59
German Language Levels 1 and 2 (6 or 9 credits total, depending on score) GER 101 & GER 102 6 50
+ GER elective 3 60
Spanish Language Levels 1 and 2 (6 or 9 credits total, depending on score) SPA 101 & SPA 102 6 50
+ SPA elective 3 64
Spanish with Writing (6 or 12 credits total, depending on score) SPA 101 & SPA 102 6 50
+ SPA elective 6 65
Updated 5/15/2022