First Year Bridge Program

You’re starting college soon – that’s so exciting! Like most entering first-year students, you might also have worries like: “What will it take to pass my classes?” “Is it going to be awkward to make friends?” “How will I figure out what I want to do in my future”? Don’t worry, we’ve got you!
First Year Summer Bridge is a seven-day Super Mario-themed hybrid program that will prepare you for the challenges of the first semester of college and connect you with the friends and resources at John Jay. Once you’re done, you’ll feel confident and prepared for the fall.
- June-August | Registration
Enroll in the program at your Academic Advisement session.
- Start of the semester | Peer Success Coach
Expect a welcome call from your Peer Success Coach who you can count on from Summer Bridge, through your first semester and beyond.
- August 19-27 | Summer Bridge
Complete around 2 hours of quests each weekday of the program at a flexible time that works for you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Is this mandatory? First-year students are expected to complete Summer Bridge and apply what they’ve learned in their First Year Seminar and other courses in your first semester.
- What if I’m not available during this time? No problem at all. Just reach out to First Year Programs and you’ll get a customized completion plan!
- Do I have to pay for this? No, John Jay College covers the cost of this because we believe it will have a huge impact on your success.
- What’s the time commitment? Work at your own pace each weekday for about two hours to complete the daily quests. Very doable!
- Is it online or in-person? For your convenience, Summer Bridge work will be completed online. You can look forward to many on-campus events and activities with us once the semester starts!
- Is this the same as Orientation? No, Orientation provides an overview of what John Jay has to offer while Summer Bridge gives you a hands-on preview of how to succeed in your courses as a first-year student.
- Is it going to be fun? What part of Super Mario-themed quests doesn’t sound fun?! A student once called Winter Bridge “the D&D of Academics,” so prepare to have a great time while learning what you need to do your best in your first semester.