Summer Courses

Here are our newest Summer Courses in 2024. Please click the flyers to get further information

ICJ 703 - International Criminal Law

ICJ 704 - Crime Justice Cultural Struggles

ICJ 730 - Human Trafficking

Summer 2024 Study Abroad in Vienna

Summer School on Transnational Organized Crime: 12 – 25 June 2024

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna, Austria

This program will take place in Vienna, Austria, with classes held at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), providing students with the opportunity to see various UNODC sections at work, first-hand. The UNODC is a United Nations agency that aims to better equip governments to handle drug-, crime-, terrorism-, and corruption-related issues, maximize knowledge on these issues among governmental institutions and agencies, and maximize awareness of said matters in public opinion at community level, nationally, and globally. Students will benefit from exposure to both international events at the Vienna International Centre (known as the UNO City) where the UNODC is located and a bustling cultural life in the capital of Austria.

Program highlights include several guest speakers from the UNODC and visits to various branches of the United Nations in Vienna, including the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), UNODC’s Treaty Affairs and Anti-Corruption sections, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Students will better understand the existing framework of institutions working to respond to organized crime, terrorism, and corruption and will gain a better understanding and appreciation for Central European peoples and history.


Transnational organized crime and its various manifestations: Including trafficking in persons, human smuggling, drug trafficking, environmental crime such as waste trafficking, illegal mining, crimes in the fisheries sector and wildlife crime, cyber organized crime, trafficking in cultural property, counterfeiting, trafficking in falsified medical products, and trafficking in firearms, etc.
Criminal justice responses to transnational organized crime: Including prosecution, investigation, and law enforcement strategies.
The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)
Linkages between organized crime and terrorism
Data collection, research methods and risk analysis techniques applicable to the study of transnational organized crime
The curriculum of the Summer School will be presented through a variety of innovative pedagogy, enabling you to learn in real-time via lectures and seminars, discussions, practical exercises, film screenings and social events. The flexible format also provides regular opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction and one-on-one engagement with faculty.

Beyond a rich programmed of lectures led by scholars and international experts, including from the UNODC, the Summer School offers an opportunity to test your ability to apply theory to practice by engaging them in practical exercises. You'll be asked to research and write case briefs based on real-life examples of organized crime. The cases will be submitted to the UNODC SHERLOC team, and considered for publication in the SHERLOC Case Law Database.